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Robert Wilkes Capo

Sorry to hear dude...

As the ceo of PA he represents the total position of all of the pa lifters...

Even if its not what the lifters are thinking...

I was quite shocked by the Four Corners interview.

Someone once did something wrong and did time for it....but our illustrious leader decides to attack him personally in public.

CAPO has a public stance against drugs. GPC is showing signs of adapting to community expectations from what I understand.

Instead of using the interview as an opportunity for alignment and even reunification, I am afraid some damage has been done.

Reading through senate enquiry of the 90s there are some deeds in there that PA and its predecessors should not be proud of. Glass house, stones, emperor with new clothes......
Yet didnt have the balls to talk to us..... Just shit talked us to everyone else in the room.... Including ASADA

I find that very disappointing.

There are few behaviors I am seeing here that are symptomatic of an entrenched and rather stale board.

As has been said at the AICD; "the fish rots from the head"
I find that very disappointing.

There are few behaviors I am seeing here that are symptomatic of an entrenched and rather stale board.

As has been said at the AICD; "the fish rots from the head"

I do t understand what this means....?
Point taken, difference is I know what goes on, and am at the front end of copping shit for doing my own thing.

Bit different from non-competitors or non-administrators putting their 2c in.
Point taken, difference is I know what goes on, and am at the front end of copping shit for doing my own thing.

Bit different from non-competitors or non-administrators putting their 2c in.
Not going you mate. The latter you mention. I've got some idea of the shit you've copped. Markos too.
I do t understand what this means....?

The board of that particular organization feels too safe and perhaps has become so power drunk and conceited that it allows the [or maybe just the ceo] board members to conduct themselves in a way unbecoming of an officer in that position.
Ah yeah, I agree.

I felt bad for the team running the comp, especially the owners, who I am friends with. We don't normally have the political crap up here in QLD. We all go watch each others comps, no matter what fed it is.

It was actually embarrassing to watch an older guy carry on like that.
He feels threatened, PA has been the only "major" fed in Australia for many years, CAPO and GPC Nats are going to be huge, most likely bigger than the PA Nats. In my experience, people only act like this when they feel pressured and/or threatened!
i would doubt he felt threatened.

I assume more about siezing the policy context of the day, that being greater attention on drugs in sport.

He just went about it the wrong way.

It was actually embarrassing to watch an older guy carry on like that.

Look at it in the context of what is at stake Sticky, if you had the opportunity to secure funding for your organisation and to help your lifters would you play the political game. I think the answer is Yes.

That's all it is, nothing personal just a play for funding on the back of media sentiment and by appealing to the masses not the minority even if the minority is members of the organisation you chair.