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Robert Wilkes Capo

i think where Robert went wrong was his focus. Rather than making a number of simplistic allegations which tainted a whole fed, he should have focused on what he thought was a problem in late 1980s: that being that a focus on testing elite sport would miss a lot of athletes elsewhere that may be dabbling.

for example, i know of a few amatuer footballers who take steroids with no fear of ever being caught.

This is a legitimate point that could have been made then and since, without need to attack anyone or any organisation.

I always thought that an attack would come in this climate, but quite surprised in the way it did, especially given what i and others know.
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I think he is still pissed at getting a fist to the head all those years ago.

He is like a bitter old women.
RW has publicly demonised the whole of capo in the publics eye...

I have no doubt about Spritcha or any of the other PA lifters... Your lifts and records are hard earned and deserved... Got nothing that even remotely suggests otherwise...

However your leader threw a bloody big stone... Everyone loses in these scenarios... All sorts of shit slinging is likely to follow...
*Deleted quote*

Fuck,you are obviously not even reading my posts.

Direct your frustration towards Wilks not us. Don't make this out to be our problem.
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SP, to be fair dinkum, i dont see anything wrong with people noting that passing a drug test can be questioned given the facts (Jones and Armstrong), albeit that no one needs to target a fed.

I dont believe it happens much outside major sports, but it is possible.

For example, reading US sites, there is plenty of disscussion about how IPF lifters may be beating tests, although again there is no proof.

I also dont see anythign wrong with PA efforts to promote its self-interest; its just that the recent method was severely flawed.
*Deleted quote*

Sorry to hear dude...

As the ceo of PA he represents the total position of all of the pa lifters...

Even if its not what the lifters are thinking...
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It's funny in my first post I didn't even mention PA i referred to tested lifters. Spritcha you brought PA into this discussion as much as anyone.

This argument is fucked. Wilks talked a load of fucking garbage and somehow we are at fault for pointing out the holes in his argument.
I also agree that PA lifters are clean.

Key issue today, however, as it was in 1990 Senate inquiry for powerlifting, is whether lifters are tested. That is it in a nutshell.

If Wilks has thought about it more, that should have been PA's focus in recent days.

Still many would be pissed off, but most would accept that debate is now moving on withot the need for personal attacks on feds or individuals.

As SP suggests, most lifters in all feds are just lifters doing their best, and many people in all feds do a very good job in promoting their sport and strength training.

If PA was smarter in its approach,it could win more and divide less.
no, i cant say that.

I just think that with so many options in terms of Aust powerlifting feds, that very few would be tempted to cheat in a drug-tested fed. Early on PA days, there were a few that still cheated; but many got caught(including high profile lifters).

However, I can only assume innocence of todays' lifters, and am not interested in accusing any person with no evidence.
My questions were to get an understanding about drug tests in general, not to bring into question PA lifters.

I just want to understand the actual reliability of drug testing procedures and why people are so quick to doubt them. I don't think that discussion should be off limits and would actually clear up a lot of the doubt that exists.
Ok hardly anyone gets tested. Because its expensive. Then its usually the same people over and over again.

Some people never....

Personally unless yiu are constantly randomly testing everyone on and off season you cant make any claims about drug free.
Why do they rock up at 6am to drug test? What benefit will that have over testing at a normal time like 9-10am. Spritcha, do you have to let them know where you are all the time? Even things like going away on weekends, holidays ect.
Why do they rock up at 6am to drug test? What benefit will that have over testing at a normal time like 9-10am. Spritcha, do you have to let them know where you are all the time? Even things like going away on weekends, holidays ect.

Not sure if its the same for powerlifting,

but a friend of mine who plays a team sport at national level had to nominate which gym he trains at, and nominate one hour slot per day and nominate where they'd be.

Eg if they nominate 9am-10am and at home and they're not home they fail the test. So its good to nominate a time when you're definitely at a particular place, to avoid failure. So early in the morning works best as you're definitely home then, even if it is inconvenient. They can also turn up at the gym you nominate.
Not sure if its the same for powerlifting,

but a friend of mine who plays a team sport at national level had to nominate which gym he trains at, and nominate one hour slot per day and nominate where they'd be.

Eg if they nominate 9am-10am and at home and they're not home they fail the test. So its good to nominate a time when you're definitely at a particular place, to avoid failure. So early in the morning works best as you're definitely home then, even if it is inconvenient. They can also turn up at the gym you nominate.


That's messed up!!!

I couldnt live like that so full respect to them for putting up with that shit...