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Ptc Sydney - Whats been happenin

Jack - did week 4 of PPP 160kg deadlifts (he hates benching ive got to work on him with this). He only started training 4 weeks ago and has put on 5-6 kilos of bodyweight..

Loun - Did squats for the first time EVER in his life. He had some average flexability. So we worked on his hips and used plates to get him to squat deeper.

I did wave 3 of 5/3/1 bench. 100x5/110x3/125x1

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSFLDWvtAAM]‪Trent Bench 125kg x1‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEFRQ8R2P2Y]‪PTC Sydney - Trent Bench 110kg x3‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEw3N4_1HRc]‪PTC Sydney - Trent Bench 100kg x 5‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
well i felt like shit that day (lack of sleep from my new born baby for one thing ) and i could feel some niggling shoulder issues which ill try and do some remedial work to iron out..

That was wave 3 of 5/3/1 so ill see how the deload goes..

BTW did u do deload on it?

not really

I did the weights as per the pecentages except instead of doing only 5 reps on each as recommended, I did the last set as a 20 repper

usually I replaced that week with markos' beginner plan (3x10 on everything at around 75% 1rms)

or heavy 5x5s

I reckon for follow el Freako's suggestion and repeat the 3x3 week and only do the prescribed reps.
Fair enough .. ill give the deload a go and see how I feel.. might change it next wave

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PTC Sydney - Fion 25kg Shoulder Press
‪PTC Sydney - Fion 25kg Shoulder Press‬‏ - YouTube[FONT=&quot]

Lots of things could be improved here.

Barbell isn't over the wrist, fixing this is very individual... sometimes just letting them know will clear it up, sometimes telling them to 'strangle' the barbell (grip it hard as you can, can't really grip hard with a bent wrist).

Isn't keeping tight - gotta squeeze those glutes like you're holding on to your last $50 note... this will keep the structure of the hips (and in turn the knees) tight, the breath from the top of the movement will keep the torso tight. Will also prevent the hip drive/push press she is using as the set gets harder.

Bar path isn't straight, she's keeping it too far away from her face and then pushing it backwards rather than a straight bar path and driving through once the bar is past. Bar position at the bottom of the movement could maybe a bit higher to help with this, although maybe a bit nitpicky.

She also seems to be resetting the reps from the bottom, rather than the top lockout position. This is just making things harder than they need to be. Breath-rebreath at the top, no pause at the bottom - takes advantage of the stretch shortening cycle.
Good work on the Atlas stone Trent trentson.

While I'm in Germany next month I'm doing a strongman-ish event at the music festival I'm going to.

I think they've got 4 different sized stones. No idea how big though lol
moons - good pickup on her lifts..
It was her first time doing military and she Still needs work on it which i agree.. I post vids up as they are so i can review as well..

Dave - Yeah try having 4 people at once to coach all of them new to lifting. Its only these vids that u really think hmmm i gotta look into this and this.

Graham - Yeah mate i couldnt lift that stone till i went to rock solid and got tips from peter (the mans got forearms the size of my biceps).. Its all in the technique work.. Still struggling with the 100kg but.. BUT ill get that shit one day.
- 4 weeks till nats and myself and fion are ramping up the training till 2 weeks out.. currently going through the calls with fion as this is only her second comp.

Sean - Did his first deadlift ever recently after 2 years training at fitness first. Managed to work up to a 135kg deadlift PB wasnt pretty but ok considering he only sleeps 5 hours a night and eats junk food 3 times a day. Ive now made changes to his diet but its up to him to do the sleeping. He looks to be a 200kg lifter very soon.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHf6f6MMKQ4"]‪PTC Sydney - Sean Deadlift 135kg beginner‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Fion - Is geting stronger and adding on qaulity muscle. She recently did a dexa scan abd she had not put on any bodyfat but gained 3kgs in bodyweight in the 5 weeks she has started powerlifting..

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL0Gh0zkgtk"]‪PTC Sydney - Fion Front Squat 42.5kg‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

jack - Is now up to week 5 of PPP (160kg deadlift program). And getting stronger with every lift since his diet change. Exepcting big things from the young man.

I have finished 4 waves of 5/3/1. Lifts have gone up in bench and deadlift but not in squats. This could be due to my diet and sleep which has been off due to having a new baby girl.
Getting ready for nats.. Hopefully a 480 total
jack - started 5x5 and will be squatting 3 times a week. Today he weighed in at 89kg. 4 weeks after starting his bulking diet and workout at PTC he is now up roughly 10kg. GOMAD is a huge mass gainer.

Chris - Did PB's in snatch (70kg)/deadlift 180kg/ and squat 120kg. Considering he has only been able to come once a week last 4 weeks. this is impressive.

Sean - Did squat (90kgx5x5) and deadlift (120kgx5x5). Then did some conditioning work with the spare tyre.

Trent Yee - Did squats week 1 on PPP 210kg program

Myself - Did squats and managed 100x5/120x5 and 140x1 .. Feeling a bit ill but still hanging in there. Then did reverse hypers.

Hai - Did deadlifts and box squats. Then rope conditioning.
busy night.. had 2 new starters who joined..

Micheal bell - Joined the gym and wanted to pick up strength conditioning training for his karate.
He originally had a squat of 90kg at FF.. After some minor tweaks in how he squated (i got him to stop using his runners and knee broke first to break parrallel). He managed a 100kg PB. More work needs to be done in this area. But its a start. He weighs 75kg.
Then we moved into his deadlift - I noticed he wa leaning over the bar. He was not keeping the bar on his shins/legs as he lifted it. After fixing these his original PB of 110kg blew out to 150kg with more in the tank. A double bodyweight lift in a matter of 30min tweaking. He was ecstatic.

Sean - Was did 5x5 squats and bench today. I noticed he was weaker then last friday. He was having slight migraines. It turns out he only had 1L of water today and little carbs. I will be monitoring this for him over the coming days. His diet before was mainly fats food and V drinks.

Chris and jack - Did squats and bench. It was a good thing for jack to lift with chris there was the extra mental push that he needed to nut out the program as it got heavier. Jack did rope conditioning after as well.

I did bench 5/3/1 and speed benching.. 100x5 115x3 and 120x1/dips and skull crushers.

Trent yee - Did deadlifts with 16kg per side chains. and pulled a 225kg deadlift.

Christian - Pulled a 285kg deadlift with chains

Stipe - Pulled 240kg deadlift..

Fion - tested her Pb's before nats.. She managed to break her squat PB and pull a 65kg squat.

She is close to breaking the 100kg deadlift. She got the 95kg up but didnt lock out due to her hands ripping.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaFSOV9xTQc]‪PTC Sydney - Fion 90kg deadlift‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04bC8mF6-7I]‪PTC Sydney - Fion 95kg deadlift missed lockout‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Hai /Van and loun - Did MMA in the cage.. More vids to come.

hugo - Stopped by to try out the lifting.
Maria - Joined up today for a full year. She is an ex-cardio zumba girl who has seen vids of fion and decided she wanted more muscle tone as aparently it was doing it for her..

I got her to do just squats with the bar. She could get below parrallel depth but chest kept dipping. After getting her to tighten her back and take breaths at the top this fixed this somewhat..

Deadlifts she could only do with the bar as her grip was slipping and hurting her hand.. She has NEVER ever lifted a weight before.. It was all cardio work and step-classes..

This is going to be a long haul but worth every step. Getting the look of accomplishment in a new clients eyes as they get stronger week after week even if its only the bar is something that doesnt get old in a trainers eyes..

Michael - Did squats/bench/deadlift. 5x5. He has never squatted before so depth was an issue as his hip mobility wasnt all there yet..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K06AzAtcLsc]‪PTC Sydney - Michael 87.5kg x 5 squat‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
2 new members on board 2nite.. its going to take me longer and longer to type things as they happen.

tonight -

Girls -

Maria - Did box squats for the first time with 30kg for 5 reps.. She has NEVER used weights let alone squat. She then did bench with the bar for 10 reps. She has weak triceps and so work needs to done on this area once she is benching more.

Fion - Did speed squats with 40kg and bench with 10kg dumbells for reps.

- Deadlifts with chains.

boys -

Trent yee - did PPP 230kg deadlift week 2.

Christian - Did squats with the safety bar.He is doing westside. There was no room on the bar and there was nearly an accident.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnDsxM4PcFE"]‪PTC Sydney - Christian 236kg safety bar box squat‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Sean - Did 140kg deadlifts and squatted 100kg x 5. He is 2 weeks into 5x5

Richard - Is only 19 and is built to powerlift.He has all the right levers. He pulled 150kg deadlift without ever performing the exercise and benched 120kgx1. Squatting 120kg.. Ill be watching and mentoring his progress closely.

Chris - did squats and bench. He is coming in more. Chris if your reading this.. I love you.. lol

Jack - Trained with chris on squats and bench.

Stipe/hai/hugo and Adrian did MMA training and conditioning.
Followed by some ground work.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILceU8bA8wk"]‪PTC sydney - Stipe and Adrian MMA ground work in cage‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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today -

Chris - did squats... He tried to do the squats till u puke thing and got 60kgx50 reps.. before almost passing out. He also did box jumps.

Jack - did deadlifts on 5x5 and did 150kg for reps. Then did his favourite squats

Sean - did bench and squats

Richard - did squats and bench (100kg x5)

Andrew - Box squats and deadlift.

Michael - Squats and bench press

We currently have a little club comp going for the box jumps..
The highest is currently 1.1m (myself and chris are even)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG4fVMi0fLQ]PTC Sydney - Trent box jump 110cm - YouTube[/ame]
Saturday conditioning day for the girls. Karina and Maria. Both girls are ramping up their training in terms of diet and weights ready for summer

Please excuse the language.. I dont care what they call me long as they do it.. :firefirefire: LOL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvmbuXZq21Y]PTC Sydney - Conditioning Maria and Karina prowler tyre kettlebell - YouTube[/ame]

joe - came back from vegas - and boy has he gone down in strength .. Welcome back buddy.. time to get back into it.

I did deadlifts 140kg plus 16kg chains..
[FONT=&quot]busy monday night.. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]chris - did deads and bench[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]ben - Who just joined the gym with chris is a pro MMA fighter who loves his heavy lifting[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Jack - Came to PTC 7 weeks ago and had only benched a few times and was on 70kg bench PB. He today managed a 90kg PB after i targetted his weak triceps.. It wont be long before he benches the 100.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]Christian - Did heavy deadlifts[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Stipe - heavy deadlifts 200kg[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Trent Yee - Pulled a 10kg PB to hit 240kg.. [/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]Sean - Did squats and bench tyre hammers for conditioning[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Richard - Squats and bench then tyre hammers for conditioning[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Zaja - Came back from holidays and is weak as piss... poor bugger .. he will be back at his 270kg deadlift very soon[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Hugo - Came by to get a t-shirt and a diet i am putting him on[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Maria - Her squat and confidence has gone up sinc she only benched the bar .. But is now box squatting 40kg[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Karina - Squatted and front squatted on PPP. She is getting much stronger since fixing her diet[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Van - Came back from the snow and is now resuming his MMA training.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Hai - Has started his cutting diet and is looking much leaner[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Micheal - His put on 3kg bodyweight since he joined 3 weeks ago. He is noticing alot more power in his punches and kicks when he does karate.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Trent (Me) - I did speed squats out of the hole ready for NATS.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Joe le - Came back from vegas and is weak due to all the partying. LOL.. Poor man.. He will be back to his best very soon.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]A tour of PTC on a monday with the 6:30pm-8pm crew[/FONT]

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