busy night.. had 2 new starters who joined..
Micheal bell - Joined the gym and wanted to pick up strength conditioning training for his karate.
He originally had a squat of 90kg at FF.. After some minor tweaks in how he squated (i got him to stop using his runners and knee broke first to break parrallel). He managed a 100kg PB. More work needs to be done in this area. But its a start. He weighs 75kg.
Then we moved into his deadlift - I noticed he wa leaning over the bar. He was not keeping the bar on his shins/legs as he lifted it. After fixing these his original PB of 110kg blew out to 150kg with more in the tank. A double bodyweight lift in a matter of 30min tweaking. He was ecstatic.
Sean - Was did 5x5 squats and bench today. I noticed he was weaker then last friday. He was having slight migraines. It turns out he only had 1L of water today and little carbs. I will be monitoring this for him over the coming days. His diet before was mainly fats food and V drinks.
Chris and jack - Did squats and bench. It was a good thing for jack to lift with chris there was the extra mental push that he needed to nut out the program as it got heavier. Jack did rope conditioning after as well.
I did bench 5/3/1 and speed benching.. 100x5 115x3 and 120x1/dips and skull crushers.
Trent yee - Did deadlifts with 16kg per side chains. and pulled a 225kg deadlift.
Christian - Pulled a 285kg deadlift with chains
Stipe - Pulled 240kg deadlift..
Fion - tested her Pb's before nats.. She managed to break her squat PB and pull a 65kg squat.
She is close to breaking the 100kg deadlift. She got the 95kg up but didnt lock out due to her hands ripping.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaFSOV9xTQc]PTC Sydney - Fion 90kg deadlift - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04bC8mF6-7I]PTC Sydney - Fion 95kg deadlift missed lockout - YouTube[/ame]
Hai /Van and loun - Did MMA in the cage.. More vids to come.
hugo - Stopped by to try out the lifting.