Tonight was fairly busy. Dobrila (D) was in and did her set of goblet squats, bench press, UDLs and finished on the GHR. I spoke to D briefly and I may have sparked her interest in the deadlift comp held early next year.
Ricky was in, and brought along his mate Romel who is an MMA fighter. Romel joined PTC Perth and booked his assessment in early next week. Ricky and Romel worked together tonight. Ricky has an amazing work ethic.
Adam, who was a bar loader at our open day comp came in, joined and went through his assessment. Adam has been training bodybuilder style for about 5 years. Weighed in at 94.4kg with bests of a 201kg deadlift, 100kg x 5 squat and a 105kg x 5 bench. He wants to get stronger, bigger and leaner. He’s got lots of squatting to do.
James was in, he came second in his class in the WA Strongman Qualifier. He joined PTC and he’s doing his assessment Thursday night. Almost time to get Dan Macri in for some strongman training workshops.
Dan and Kirt came in for their GPC Nats preparation. Dan benched and Kirt pulled 190kg for a PB. He’s got 200kg in him.
Anthony and Mat came in and smashed through their beginner programs. Anthony has a serious mental barrier when it comes to putting weight on the bar, we’ll break him soon enough.
Josh was in for his assessment. Weighed in at 98kg, 1.849m tall, 25yo. He’s large and trim. 275kg squat, 180kg bench press and 272.5kg deadlift. He’s hungry for records. He wants to weigh 99kg with low body fat and wants to start competing in Powerlifting. The plan is to have him compete in the October novice comp. Best vertical was 72.5cm and broad jump of 3.04m. Watch this space.
Dan Rooch also preparing for GPC Nats squatted to 180kg wrapped.
Paul Rooch (me) was only able to fit in 20-30 minutes of training at the end of the day, up to 140kgx10 squats.
I had the coach and president from Bayswater Soccer Club down tonight to give them a tour and explain what services we can offer the club. They were very interested. We will be meeting with them in the next week to discuss a sponsorship deal.