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PTC Perth - Whats happening?

Linus deadlifted 180kgx3, 200kgx2 and 215kgx1 failing his last two sets. Hes weighing 83.2kg at the moment.

D squatted 67.gkgx5x5 and is coming to the end of her training cycle.

Dazzler box jumped and paused squatted to 100kgx4x3.

Dan benched to 115kgx2, rack pressed and did some low bar walkouts up to 140kg. Finished with some shoulder rehab work.

Dave squatted 102.5kgx5x5, backed that up with front squats then finished with SLDLs.

Baxter squatted 220kgx2 for a few sets.

I deadlifted, UDLed, GMd, and did some horizontal pulling.

This weekend we have our inhouse Power Cleaning Workshop which is full. In the future we will be holding other workshops for our members.
Dan worked on shoulder rehab and mobility. Started his 5x5 deadlift program at 160kg. Backed this up with Good Mornings, Rows, Rack pulls to 240 for a triple and some banded pulling movements.

Dobrilla squatted 70kgx5x5. First few sets were not deep enough so she will be repeating this on Friday. We worked on her Military Press and SLDL technique.

Dazz benched 105kgx5x5, Deadlifted 200kgx3x3 and followed this up with T-Bar Rows and chinups.

Dani deadlifted 90kg for reps.

Ando deadlifted to 200kg for reps.

Mike snatched to 100kg.

I did some SMR and mobility work, DB bench and a lot of assitance work.

Heaps more were in chugging away through their workouts.
Was a warm night last night but was jam packed. Plenty of had training going on, but some of the highlights:

Nathan benched up to 320kgx2 single ply.

Amy deadlifted 140kg for a 15kg PB and a double bodyweight deadlift..

Matt White deadlifted 180kg for a 30kg PB @ 82kg.

I trap bar deadlifted 240kg for a 10kg PB @ 86kg.

Shanks squatted up to 170kg and starting to get used to the weight on his back again.

Yianni came in after his operation 2 weeks ago and did some light deadlifting and worked his jaw all night.

Linus benched 112kgx3x3 and is now starting to realise that training consistent and smart is the way to go.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9UOiF6tNLc]Matt "Whitey" Deadlift - 180kgx1@82kg PB - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GkHL8xlmBQ]Dan "Danimal" Trap Bar Deadlift - 240kgx1 @ 86kg PB - YouTube[/ame]

Today we have our first of many in house member clinics. The clinic today being on the powerclean. Our clinics are limited to 8 members to keep them tight knit and personal for the athletes. This kicks off at 9am, which is then followed up at 11am with our metabolic conditioning class. Come doen and try it out your first class is FREE!
Todays GPP Class went like this

D skipped, Ando and Dazza were already warm from the clinic
SMR done previously.
2 laps of skips
2 laps of power skips
5sec wideouts 5 times
2 laps of shuffles
2 laps of butt kicks

Body weight squats
Mountain Climbers
Glute stretch
Arm swings
Thoracic extension and flexion
Trunk swings
Pushup pluses (scap pushups)
Band pull aparts
Banded good mornings
Band dislocates

Med ball throw for distance into pushup into sprint (full body activation) 5 times each

GPP Circuit 1 (30 sec work then change)
Kettlebell good mornings
Med ball squats
Kettlebell swings
Kettlebell cannonballs
Kettlebell overhead press
Fat bar power cleans
Completed 1 lap, 1 lap, 2 laps.

GPP Circuit 2 (30 sec work then change)
Battling rope
Completed 1 lap, 1 lap, 1 laps.
Had a new guy come in on Saturday... Ben. He will most likely be joining out PL team. He's a Junior and says he lifts 180/120/200.... I have him coming in for his first session on Wed. He does look solid.
First session tonight for Tahnee and Quint. Tahnee wants to go back to indoor soccer and would like to try tough mudder. Quint is sick of being skinny fat. Both presented with some postural issues which we will address. Their on basic foundation strength work for 8 weeks plus GPP.

Mike snatched to 100kg.

Dan managed a strong 140kg front squat for a PB.

Shanks benched, pressed to boards, pulled and finished with some ab work. Its great to see Dan hitting it hard in the gym again.

Kosta worked with Mike and snatching to 80kg.

Cassie brought her friend in from New York whos booked in to to some 1-1 coaching for the Olympic lifts next week.

A lot more athletes were in slogging it away on their workouts.

Next week the comp lead up cycle starts for the powerlifters.
Yesterdays GPP Class ...

Agility ladder
Med ball throw for height

Cossack squats
Mountain climbers
Static glute stretch
Static hip flexor stretch
Squat to forward lunge
Band pull aparts
Band dislocates

Meb ball throws for height
Dead ball slams
Meb ball jumps
Plyometric box jumps

Tyre flips
Farmers walk through cone circuit
Sled drags
KB swings
Battling rops
Meb ball slams
KB thrusters
KB deadlifts

Prowler relay - 10 minutes continuous.
Been a pretty hectic few weeks with more athletes coming on board and the powerlifting team gearing up for their states prep starting on the 11th Feb. Welcome newcomer Ben Young to the team! Ben is a junior lifter in the 90kg class who will compete for the first time at states with some impressive first timer numbers. I look forward to working with him and the rest of the team over the coming weeks as our training intensity increases.

Some highlights from Friday and Saturday at PTC:

Daz worked up to 102.5x7 on the bench, then did some board presses and then attempted 240kg deadlift but it got away from him a couple of times. Got to his about his knees ok then was a grind and the iron beat him in the end. Not too far off though.

Paul did some 64kg UDLs, banded good mornings focusing on that hip hinge, some DB bench up to 32.5kg and some rehab work.

Shanks is ready for out states prep now, he worked up to 160kg squats, benched up to 110kg for a single and did some strict pressing.

Lunus benched up to 122.5kg for a single with some triples at slightly lighter weight.

I back squatted for the first tiem since worlds and wanted to get some in before we begin our states prep next week. Worked up to 170kgx2 pretty comfortably.

Nathan came in and did his thing... squatting and then benched to 320kg single ply for a double.

Plenty of other athletes in going through their training which is great to see, including Kapish, Cassie, Dee, Dani, Mitch, Mike, Amy, Matt... list goes on.

The Saturday morning conditioning class is going really well with Paul instructing these classes expertly with a range of conditioning drills mixed with mobility and activation work. Anyone wanting to get that extra conditioning in should consider this class for only $20 a session its well worth it. First session is FREE!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hYtk1KjJ5c"]Dan "danimal" Front Squat - 140kgx1 @ 85kg PB - YouTub[/ame]
Last night the PTC Perth Powerlifting team started their 11 week lead into the State Titles on April 28TH.

Dan is taking lead on this years team so I'll allow him to make any further announcements on the team.

The atmosphere in the gym last night was intense and it was a busy night.

Ando deadlifted 162.5kg for 5s at around 82kg.

Dave started on his corrective programming which includes an elaborate warmup, main lift, postural endurance work and conditioning.

Shanks deadlifted 195kg for 5s and block pulled up to 240kg.

In between coaching I cranked out 64kg UDLs with banded good mornings, 80kg KB deadlifts with banded resistance and some farmers.

Dazza deadlifted 170kg for 5s and block pulled to 240kg.

Dan squatted 130kg for 8s, paused squatted for 3s and finished with db lunges. His shoulder rehabilitation is really coming along well.

Spencer squatted 85kg for 8s, paused squatted for 3s and finished with db lunges.

Linus deadlifted 165kg for 5s and pulled 240kg of blocks.

Baxter squatted to 220kg with chains.

Les deadlifted to 270kg.

D squatted to 77.5kg for 5s.

Kelly Munro is in Perth for a few months and he started with us last night. He squatted to 170kg and benched into the triple figures.

So many more athletes were in last night soaking up the energy.

Good luck to our Powerlifting team at the State Titles. See you all in Victoria!
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Todays GPP class...

After the Nathan Baxter bench press workshop...

Warmup & Mobility (already warmed up from seminar, concentrated on lower body)
Mountain Climbers
Static hip rotator stretch
Static hip flexor stretch

Med ball throws for height and distance
Dead ball slams

Circuit (30s work)
Battling ropes
KB press
KB squat to row
KB deadlifts
Banded good mornings
Weighted vertical jumps

Prowler relay for 10 minutes
Busy Friday and Saturdays with the PL team finishing up the first week of state prep, and going well.

- Spencer deadlifted to 120x5 and did 140kg rack pulls from about the knee.
- Daz squatted 137.5x3x8, did paused squats and lunges.
- Shanks squatted 142.5x3x8 and wrapped up for 180x3x3. On Saturday he also did some chained benching and strict pressing.
- Wingman continued on his conditioing program and threw up a few times this week.
- Linus squatted to 130x3x8, wrapped up for the first time with 140x5 and benched to 110x3.
- Paul is being consistent with his training with a lot of conditioning work.
- Ando smashed his 105x3x8 squats and finished with pasued squats and some prowler.
- Yianni deadlifted for the first time since his hernia op and managed to squeeze out 157.5x5x5, but it was hard. He should be back to full strength in no time though.
- I deadlifted 157.5x5x5, reverse band deadlifted 220x5x2 plus other assistance. Saturday I benchd to 125 comfortably and did my 105x5x5 bench.

Im really happy with the team we have put together. Everyone is working together well, training hard and being very consistent.

Saturday morning we had the Baxter bench seminar with about 13 lifters in attendance. Was excellent as normal! Ill have some pics of the event on FB in the next day or so.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsjz5WAeWf4]PTC Perth "Where legs are not neglected" - by Ando Nguyen - YouTube[/ame]

GPP Class

Warmup and Mobility
Mountain climbers
Pushup plus into pushup
Squats into forward lunge
Hip rotator stretch
Hip flexor stretch
Banded good mornings
Banded shoulder dislocates
High pogo jumps

Banded prowler sprints

Med ball throws for height
Dead ball slams
Depth jumps to broad jumps - loved how this became a competition
Box jumps (DB drop method)

Tyre battles

KB deadlifts
KB cannonballs
KB thrusters
KB swings
10 reps each, 3 times

Keg throws up hill
Some great news... from next week we are opening from 6am to 10am on Tuesday and Thursdays! Book in with me for coaching sessions in the morning, call me on 040 360 8056 to book in.

Plenty of new equipment in as well including the EliteFTS mondo leg press, here is Paul showing it off.
