Matt benched 157.5kg for 3 doubles.
Steve benches 102.5kg 5x3, the did some band lock out work with 120kg - 2,2,3
He then squatted 150kg 3x3
I started pulling again. Speed pulls - 160 5x5
Matt pressed 90kg 8x3
Tara squatted 75kg 3x3. Then worked up to 100kg x3 on bench squats.
She also benched 52.5kg 3,2,3
Lozzo benches 110kg 5x3, squatted 152.5kg for doubles, then squatted 130kg for 14 reps.
Mike squatted and benched.
Mike done sheiko.
Steve squatted 155kg 3x3, then 160kg EPB, then 165kg PB, then 170kg PB, then a 175kg PB, and the big fella still has more in him. He should go 4 plates at bust-a-nut.
Then he benched 105kg 3x3, and did some KB complexses.
He finished "DEATHWISH II". It was a superb effort.
I squatted 140kg x 15 for fun.
Tara and Erin and lozzo came in for cardio.
It was Erins first session at PTC. She told tara on the way over that she was a little a little concerned that she wouldn't get a good working out haha.
Whilst they were here, they warmed up with some tyre flips.
I worked on Erins bench and squat form.
Then Tara, Erin and Lozzo then did the "Kettlebell Kleenex Komplex":
5kg each hand thrusters x 15
12kg cannonballs x 15
32kg KB deadlift x 15
12kg KB swings x 15
Repeat 3 times without stopping.
Erin handled it quite well, better than the other two (yes Tara I know, 100kg box squats
) and decided to have a go at another complex.
She did:
5kg each hand thrusters x 20
20kg cannon balls x 20
20kg swings x 20
My guess is she was worked well, and will be a sore girl tomorrow