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Elimination diet, cut out as much allergenic foods as possible.

I appear to be doing the exact opposite!

Meal 1:
4 Omega 3 Eggs
4 Slices of Buckwheat Toast w/ Natty PB
Pot of Green Tea
1 Litre of B.D Paris Creek Farms Whole Milk. (Hands down the best milk I've ever had. Some fancy Organic farm, it's not homegenised only pasturised. Closest thing to Raw milk I can get up here, my god it's tasty)

Meal 2:
1 Cup Smooth Riccotta Cheese'
1 Cup B.D Farms Natural Yogurt
2 Scoops whey

If I had of thought about it and used ice and blended it, I would've made awesome ice cream. Next time.

Big 'ol Steak and Veg coming up in an hour!
Meal 1:
1/2 cup oats
1/4 cup berries
2 whole eggs
2 scoops WPI
300ml milk
1 banana
1 scoop yoghurt

Meal 2:
185 grams tuna in olive oil
300 ml milk

Meal 3:
250 grams chicken, broccoli, cauliflower
300ml milk

1 apple, 1 orange

1 scoop WPI, 1 banana

Meal 4:
250 grams steak, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoe
300ml milk

Meal 5:
250 grams chicken, broccoli, cauliflower
300ml milk

Meal 6:
400ml milk + 1 scoop casein
WHy would u do that????

Exactly right iron alliance.

My iGG allergy results came back. I am allergic to all my staples, meaning i have increased intestinal permiability otherwise known as a leaky gut.

So proteins from the food i eat seep into where they should the body creates an immuno response to the proteins.

This problem can cause such a large amount of disease/disorder conditions you would not believe... The liver can not keep up with its job so puts other things on back log. Say hormone metabolism for example.

Goal, fix leay gut fix some problems...

To do that i have to avoid alot of foods. And add L-glutmaine 30-40g a day, L-carnitine to protect mitochondria and other herbs to kill candida build up avoid all foods im allergic too. Might take 6 months.

It will be worth it in the end though... If anyone is interested i posted a big article on someone battle with the same problems it is worth a read. I think it was titled Depression, a patients perspective.

Oh btw almond milk has 0.73g of protein per 250ml what the **** is the go witht hat?
Hippy health food stores mainly. I got some awesome unsweetened stuff before, and the protein was pretty decent in it. Can't recall exactly what, but it was at least 8-9g per 250ml. Tasted great too! Too bad it was was also $7-8/L.

Anyone tried the "Tasty Bites" range? They make a curry sauces of sorts, just a base for it really, you add what ever protein/carb source you like afterwards. All the ingredients look good, no additives/preservatives etc. and most of them have been true to name, tasty.

Anyway back on topic

Meal 1:
4 Omega 3 Eggs
4 Slices of Buckwheat Toast w/ Natty PB
Pot of Green Tea
1 Litre of B.D Paris Creek Farms Whole Milk.

Meal 2:
1.5 Cups Cooked Basmati Rice
1 Packet Tasty Bites Lentil/Bean Chilli curry
185g Tuna in oil (drained)

Next meal is homemade Jolokia Fried Rice. I'm an idiot for making this. It'll be great.
Where do u get ur almond milk from? have tried to find it but cant

I got it from coles.. But it has virtually no protein in it!!! So im tkaing it back..

I have rice milk with chickpeas atm but its sitll pathetic about 3/4g per 250ml...

It will have to do for now...
That the stuff in the blue carton n00bs? If so, it has a crap load of sugar in it. It's the only Almond Milk i've ever seen at coles/woolies, though you may have other stuff us up North don't get.

Had the Jolokia Chicken Friedrice. Wasn't as hot as I thought it'd be, but it WAS hot.
Started eating oats rolled or quick with enough water to make is stick together. Its good and removes the milk. I want to reduce all diary and see if it does anything to me. I have read on the net (like always) that diary is not well tollerated by most people. Ills see what happens I have to use up all my milk at home and things with added diary so it is a medium to long term experiment. Ill see how it goes.
Do you have a known allergy Kindred? or just hedging your bets?

Milk is awesome, I wouldn't remove it unless you had to. Maybe switch to unhomogenised first and see how you go?
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pasturised unhomogonised is not well tolerated for most kindred.

Go find a decent store and buy "bath" milk... Unpasturised designed for bathing because selling it to drink is illegal in this country wink.

Do you have a known allergy Kindred? or just hedging your bets?

Milk is awesome, I wouldn't remove it unless you had to. Maybe switch to unhomogenised first and see how you go?

I dont know if I have an allergy. I'm doing it to see if I have one. If Nothing changes on zero diary for a few months Ill go back to including it.
Salmon and veggies.
Accidently grabbed the wrong can this morning while still half asleep. :(

Yuk, I hate canned salmon.
Just cained a salad with 200g chicken breast and about 50g danish fetta. Oh and 100% fat free french dressing haha.
Spent $250 at the South Melbourne Market this morning and got myself a bucket load of fruit and veg, 10kg of aged rump, a heap of chicken, some calamari tubes and tiger prawns and 10kg of chicken necks for my dog:p

Had calamari and prawns with a heap of veg for lunch and it was tasty as and am now looking forward to a big old rump with mushrooms and veg for dinner tonight. I love going to the market and have to seriously try and limit what I buy there because I reckon I could blow a weeks pay no probs at all...
6am - Bowl of nutrigrain with skim milk

9:30 am - Sandwich ( handful of spinach, 1/2 tomato, ham and jarlsberg cheese )
- Yoghurt ( ski delight )
- Juice popper

12:30pm - Same as at 9:30am

4:30pm - tin of tuna, 5 egg whites

7:00 pm - Chicken / steak with veggies

There is not set time right now for workout, they are sporatic at best.. Plans are to change that starting first thing tomorrow morning...
A shit load of canned chicken, acouple of protein shakes, steak and a few sugar free V
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