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I don't normally do creamy sauces but my go to's are:
sriracha (hot!)
ayam light sweet chilli
low fat mayonnaise & some seasoning like cajun/moroccan
lime juice & seasoning

But I generally just stick with the hot sauces because A) I love them and B) they're generally fark all calories :)

I can't even eat pepper.. anything hot is fail for me :( haha
What about a salsa of some sort? Or make your own? I used to eat a lot of tuna/beans/veggies & salsa. (sometimes taco seasoning too).
Hey Viv and Chris, can you give me any ideas for what I can use for a sauce type thing to go with my veggies and tuna for lunch.. Usually I just put a bit of soy sauce, but it bores the crap out of me and really doesn't taste that good.. I guess I want something that makes it seem like i'm not eating boring as hell tuna and veggies!.. Something creamy-ish would be amazing, but I might be pushing my luck there!.. Any ideas? :D

Hey PB, I also use a lot of chilli BUT here are a few creamy style dressings/sauces I use. I like really simple stuff that has a bit of oomph to it but clean flavours so you can enjoy the food.
Or maybe I'm just italian :p

Dijon mustard is your friend (or a mix of spices as you please) ...

Mix a little dijon mustard with EVOO, fresh lemon juice, salt, finely chopped fresh herbs, add a spice if you like, some crushed garlic maybe. Whisk together until creamy.
Great on fish, chicken, salads and steamed/boiled veg.

If you want something really creamy, try doing the same but add mustard, lemon juice, to non fat or low fat greek yoghurt, season with salt and add finely chopped herbs, garlic and/or spices. Whisk until creamy and use with chicken, fish, lamb, veg, whatever.

You can add whatever seasonings you like ... moroccan/berbere/thai/italian/cajun/bbq whatever spice mix you like.

I love dukkah and sprinkle that on almost everything. gives food a nice zing and crunch too, especially veg.

I've also been using coconut amino seasoning (made by Banaban the coconut oil folks) and ponzu seasoning. These are both really good for dressings and cooking.

Hope that helps :)
Hey PB, I also use a lot of chilli BUT here are a few creamy style dressings/sauces I use. I like really simple stuff that has a bit of oomph to it but clean flavours so you can enjoy the food.
Or maybe I'm just italian :p

Dijon mustard is your friend (or a mix of spices as you please) ...

Mix a little dijon mustard with EVOO, fresh lemon juice, salt, finely chopped fresh herbs, add a spice if you like, some crushed garlic maybe. Whisk together until creamy.
Great on fish, chicken, salads and steamed/boiled veg.

If you want something really creamy, try doing the same but add mustard, lemon juice, to non fat or low fat greek yoghurt, season with salt and add finely chopped herbs, garlic and/or spices. Whisk until creamy and use with chicken, fish, lamb, veg, whatever.

You can add whatever seasonings you like ... moroccan/berbere/thai/italian/cajun/bbq whatever spice mix you like.

I love dukkah and sprinkle that on almost everything. gives food a nice zing and crunch too, especially veg.

I've also been using coconut amino seasoning (made by Banaban the coconut oil folks) and ponzu seasoning. These are both really good for dressings and cooking.

Hope that helps :)

And if you are lazy like me PB the rock n roll supermarket at stones corner sell a rocking macadamia dukkah sooo good
Hey PB, I also use a lot of chilli BUT here are a few creamy style dressings/sauces I use. I like really simple stuff that has a bit of oomph to it but clean flavours so you can enjoy the food.
Or maybe I'm just italian :p

Dijon mustard is your friend (or a mix of spices as you please) ...

Mix a little dijon mustard with EVOO, fresh lemon juice, salt, finely chopped fresh herbs, add a spice if you like, some crushed garlic maybe. Whisk together until creamy.
Great on fish, chicken, salads and steamed/boiled veg.

If you want something really creamy, try doing the same but add mustard, lemon juice, to non fat or low fat greek yoghurt, season with salt and add finely chopped herbs, garlic and/or spices. Whisk until creamy and use with chicken, fish, lamb, veg, whatever.

You can add whatever seasonings you like ... moroccan/berbere/thai/italian/cajun/bbq whatever spice mix you like.

I love dukkah and sprinkle that on almost everything. gives food a nice zing and crunch too, especially veg.

I've also been using coconut amino seasoning (made by Banaban the coconut oil folks) and ponzu seasoning. These are both really good for dressings and cooking.

Hope that helps :)

Have I ever mentioned how amazing you are?!?! :D
Sounds amazing! Definitely going to try this.. excited now.. mmm!

And if you are lazy like me PB the rock n roll supermarket at stones corner sell a rocking macadamia dukkah sooo good

I had to google dukkah, i've never heard of it.. haha.. is it like a nutty thing?.. What sort of flavouring?.. Looks like almond meal almost?.. will try!
Have I ever mentioned how amazing you are?!?! :D
Sounds amazing! Definitely going to try this.. excited now.. mmm!

No, but go right ahead :p

I had to google dukkah, i've never heard of it.. haha.. is it like a nutty thing?.. What sort of flavouring?.. Looks like almond meal almost?.. will try!

dukkah has nuts and spices and seeds usually. any nuts really, and usually sesame seeds and a mix of cumin, coriander and other spices, sometimes chilli, so avoid hot ones (rare though).
Today's eats:

PW Superfood complete cacao crunch with almond milk and raspberries

Eggs and tuna with salad

Various samplings of ganaches and pralines at school

More tuna with protein bread, chilli and lettuce and some Chobani when I got home

Banana Choc protein bar (1/2 ... can't face more choc :D)

Pork sausages with berbere spices and sweet ginger wine (awesomesauce)
and the last of the coconut protein bread and half a glass of shiraz voigner

Roasted a chicken tonight, first one ever!
No special tactics, just proud of my achievement!
When i pulled the meat off there was less than 400g's of meat!
Was a tiny chicken!
Roasted a chicken tonight, first one ever!
No special tactics, just proud of my achievement!
When i pulled the meat off there was less than 400g's of meat!
Was a tiny chicken!
Roasted a chicken tonight, first one ever!
No special tactics, just proud of my achievement!
When i pulled the meat off there was less than 400g's of meat!
Was a tiny chicken!

Roasted a chicken tonight, first one ever!
No special tactics, just proud of my achievement!
When i pulled the meat off there was less than 400g's of meat!
Was a tiny chicken!

i thought you would've bought a bigger chicken the second time around
Dinner tonight.. "Clean Lasagne"..


I suck at plating/picture taking.. And it didn't help it didnt come out in "lasagne" form, still tasted AMAZING though!


Made enough for 6 decent serves!

1 serve:
452 cals
41.2g protein
18.6g fat (mostly from the mince)
23.9g carbs (could make this pretty much carb-less if you substituted the sweet potato for another veg :))
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Kaz: I did that once. Realised there was fark all meat and way more work in prep/cleanup than normal :p

PB: You mean no pasta lasagne (low carb) version right? If so, I love that recipe and yes typically hard to keep it in lasagne shape :p

cheesecake CC sludge with banana, just bran, homemade PB & sf maple syrup

peanut/butterscotch sludge with crunchy nut corn flakes, banana muffin and cinnamon

teriyaki stir fried veggies & herb & garlic roo steak
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