Post the research.
Since when is 58g of nuts heaps.
I would say more than 1/5 of my daily calorie intake would be classed as heaps,
Regarding the research
Considering were talking about fat loss here and calorie restriciton I'll start off with the links between insulin preventing lypolysis (that's fat burning)
Lower insulin means your body is more readily able to burn your fat stores
Also this study by Donald Novin shows
1) appetite and hunger may be direct functions of dietary carbohydrate. Therefore, low-carbohydrate diets are probably effective by reducing appetite and hunger motivation and thereby affecting weight loss indirectly,
2) we have attributed the appetite- and hunger effects of carbohydrates to insulin-induced hypoglycemia,
3) post-absorptive insulin-induced hypoglycemia can stimulate hunger after a high-carbohydrate meal,
4) rather than increasing appetite and hunger in general, insulin-induced hypoglycemia may specifically increase appetite and hunger for carbohydrates, then one can easily envision that a vicious cycle might ensue and ultimately may lead to exhaustion of the pancreatic beta cells,
5) all carbohydrates are probably not equally important in the prevention and treatment of obesity, and
6) in addition to causing obesity by increasing appetite and hunger, high-carbohydrate diets may also
perpetuate the obese condition by maintaining hyperinsulinemia and the consequent hypoglycemia and hyperphagia.