We love asking for studies here on ausbb but none of us from both side of arguments like to post them, which is funny.
Artificial sweeteners.
I grew up with sugar and honey, the only people I knew on sweetener was my uncle back in 1970 he had health issues.
I just can't stand the taste, along with low fat milk, in fact I also don't like the overly sweet soft drinks of any kind like I used to.
but I digress.
wheat, margarines, low fat products and substitutes have always been off my list, over the last 40 years I've read before and against, been involved in many discussions read heaps of books, can't remember a lot of it, but always end up feeling the same about it.
if one of you dudes ask for a study for anything I put forward my response is;
im not your father, look it up for yourself.
The reason people ask for studies is because claims require evidence. If you make claims that go against the accepted theories you need something to back that up.