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Over training/Under training

Don't stop increasing the weights. Don't stop increasing your food intake to match the extra work and weight you want to hold.

Lots of people do drop sets but they're more a sometimes kind of thing than an every set kind of thing.

You're nowhere near your potential - stick with the basics and you'll keep growing.

I see twits like you come and go.
You are wrong on most things you say.
You have a contradiction here, which I have helpfully bolded for you. You don't want advice, but you want advice.

You must choose which you want, until then there's nothing we can do except sit and watch Ugly and Silverback have a pissing match and hope we don't get splashed by accident. .

Kyle, I'm not into having "pissing matches" with some person over the net.

I'll discuss, yes.
Wait, what just happened ?

Things seem to be getting heated quite quickly of late. Why the biffo?

I've learnt a lot since coming on this site, keep the good advice coming guys.
FWIW I reckon the lat pulldown is a fairly good exercise to complement other back work.

Sunday night I did 5 sets of pullups followed by 3 sets of lat pulldown and my back has felt strong like granite since...great DOMS feeling, if that makes any sense....love the feeling
Oh wow, I should have just kept my mouth shut about the lat pulldown. The op used it as an example of exercise he might want to do drop sets or more sets on. All I meant is that it is a poor exercise to do more on. 3x8-10 and gtfo. Don't overthink it. Everything you do should have a purpose.

To the op, you look great man. Seriously, keep doing what works for you, because it won't be the same for the next guy etc.
Easy tiger, I wasn't having a go. I'm no training guru, I'm just sharing my personal experiences is all.

I agree drain is looking solid, good work champ.

no what i mean is im not looking to change my workout as far as excersizes go.
i seen most dudes on here. Alot of flabby looking ****s who are no doubt strong but yeh thats not what im totally looking for.

Yes ive had strength gains etc.

What im asking is do people do drop sets, super sets etc
ive never really bothered but lately ive noticed even when adding weight i still dont feel as sore as some other days i work out..
I'm going to suggest that you either a) do something different recovery wise on the days you are sore eg eat or sleep less or b) you dont lift at 100% intensity every time you're in the gym so when you do put that fraction more effort in you feel it more after
QUOTE: "DOMS might conceivably serve as a warning to reduce muscle activity so as to prevent further injury. However, further activity temporarily alleviates the soreness, even though it causes more pain initially. Continued use of the sore muscle also has no adverse effect on recovery from DOMS and does not exacerbate muscle damage. It is therefore unlikely that DOMS is in fact a warning sign not to use the affected muscle"

"Although DOMS is a symptom associated with muscle damage, its magnitude does not necessarily reflect the magnitude of muscle damage."

Delayed onset muscle soreness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now im not %100 sure if this is correct but if DOMS doesn't reflect the amount of muscle damage, shouldn't that mean that the "some days your sore some days your not" could just be that DOMS isn't reflecting the full extent of your workout and thereby not meaning u r training wrong?
(could be complete crap, im no professional and quotes... are from wiki.)

Originally I typed up a response but this one fits in better:

Most of the lifters on here are overwhelmingly uni students or young recently married males with other priorities and theres generally more of a powerlifting presence. If you want to see what a more scientific, strength training approach can do I suggest browsing iron addicts sometime.

Looks big and lean to me.
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And for the record the lat pulldown sucks. Less muscle is involved because the movement is seated, its like comparing a squat to a leg curl.

Lat pulldowns have an advantage in that they allow fat powerlifters who can't do pull ups to get in some vertical pulling.
Pull ups and bent rows.

I'm not saying that you don't have to or shouldn't aim for hypertrophy, there are just better programs out there than run of the mill bodybuilding routines, and a lot of the difficulties you now have eg 'am i overtrained?' will be far more tangible because as opposed to looking at how you feel/what you see in the mirror your instead looking at someone tangible 'I just put 5kg on my bench press'.
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also everyone who posts alot of theories about what they do.
can u also post pics.
i wanna see how big, lean etc dudes are on here.

Cause from what i can tell most dudes are just training for strength but posting in a body building thread?
Also I object to periodisation as a 'theory'. Periodisation is a training protocol practised in pretty much every sport, there is enormous bodies of literature on it. 'Bodybuilding splits' on the other hand are ghost written by the authors of supplement catalogues.

Don't believe me? This is matt's routine on the muscletech page:

MuscleTech - Matt Kroczaleski > Athlete Profile & FREE Wallpapers

This is the elitefts journal matt kroc actually records in:

EliteFTS - Superior Products and Knowledge for Lifters, Athletes, Coaches, and Trainers

Things that make you go hmm...