lets just clear something hear and now;
taking real gear, no grams needed.
taking ugl gear, that underdosed you never know what it has!
if your claiming lots of gear, 90% guaranteed its not legit gear. OTHERWISE IT WOULD WORK!
now shut up and be happy, ty.
didn't think i had to spell it out, thought we were adults.
edit: not only don't you know the dose, you don't even know whats in it! they don't either, it comes in powder from china ultimately, alot of the time they fuck the supplier up, you think people in aus who get their powder check it with a mass spectrometer? seriously... take a hard think about it.
even if you make it yourself, you have no idea what is shipped... do you have access to the machine? no otherwise you'd have access to pharma... its a round circle, and this is real life.
its a product based income to sell. they don't care wtf is in it, it could be nothing. so long as it covers the cost and a profit.
don't get me started on profit driven individuals...