Registered Rustler
as soon as I switched vials. Now interesting to note is this: I started prop + npp 8 days ago and I wack it ed right, now no pains or fever for the first 7 days then I suddenly get a fever yesterday and i'm still on the exact same bottles of npp and prop that I started with, what the fucks going on?
See allergies can come on at any point, you see it all the time with dishwashing liquid and shellfish for example.
I'd recommend a low dose 1st generation antihistamine like diphenhydramine or scopolamine. The ORGINAL Benadryl is your best bet here but make sure it has the active ingredient diphenhydramine. Or something like promethazine or any other 1st generation antihistamine (no citirizine). Then I'd take that first thing in the morning with real grapefruit juice and this will inhibit the enzyme that breaks down the antihistamine so it will work extra well and last all day. It will also potentiate your orals, oddly enough, so that would be a good time to take any orals as well. It sounds like an allergic reaction to the EO imo or possibly an allergic reaction to cottonseed oil. Contact your source and ask them what they brew it in and if it is cottonseed then I'd definitely look into diluting it with grapeseed as a high volume can cause an allergic reaction