Registered Rustler
Yeah that's exactly right. Actually drol does make me aggressive like masteron does to me, so there is some correlation between these two I believe.
Whats your thoughts Oni? You reckon stana is the same as deca? lol
tbh right now I don't know why I'd bother taking anything other than testosterone and trenbolone
what is anything else going to do that these two can't do by themselves in different ratios? Nothing
hgh and insulin are great also but you don't need them. I'm running 4ui of hgh and sometimes have to take 2ui of humalin-R (long acting insulin) before bed if I eat dumb shit like donuts because my blood sugar runs so high. Started on Monday and people at work are saying I am looking huge and I am up a good 4kg. I am running 250 test and 75mg of tren EOD so 262.5mg total and making faster gains than any other cycle even when I was running +2.5g