El Testicle
Goat that feeling
If he was seen waving an ISIS flag... why didn't some member/s of the public deal to the twat? 

Islamic Council of Victoria secretary Graith Krayem said he was disappointed that police had jumped to conclusions so quickly.
"I heard and I saw the press conference with the police last night and I'm a little disappointed. I think it was a little too preemptive. The police have come out very clearly and almost have said it's all the young man's fault," he told radio station 3AW.
On triple M this morning 3 people wrote in, one said it was racist of the cops. Another said shoot first ask questions later, typical Victorian police.Srs?! wtf... when wouldn't it be the 'young mans fault'?
When the copper actually dies?
Glad the turd has gone to hell.
The people protesting this should also be shot, in my opinion. It's pretty clear that it was a last resort. The federal cop was in a critical condition for fucks sake. I'll bet if it were just some junkie nobody would question the cops actions...
They're just idiots trying to latch onto something. That video that @Fadi ; put up pokes all sorts of holes in these people's ideology.
have to say, neither of these guys exactly look like devout Muslims. look ready for a night on the town
They're just idiots trying to latch onto something. That video that @Fadi ; put up pokes all sorts of holes in these people's ideology.