The Hamburgler
Spotter Loader
I don't think so. You're comparing your best lifts in a powerlifting setting to my average lifts in a bodybuilding setting. For example, when I do my Deadlifts, I have already done Squats, Bench, weighted pull ups etc. My grip is fucked and gives out towards the end of my sets (was doing them all over hand grip last time) as a result. And I still have to overhead press, and do heavy weighted dips after.
So yeah, your 1RM deadlift may be a few kilos heavier than my work sets, but you're comparing apples to oranges.
More weight = greater stress placed on body = greater growth.
And I do MMA not powerlifting. For me a 100kg deadlift is something to put in a cardio complex, not a working set in a strength session