My goal is to become lean and defined with cuts ( I want a six-pack,
and a nice chest), I would like to get down to 8% bodyfat. As you
can see, my main objective is to lose bodyfat (become lean). I have listed my workout regimen below:
Biceps: preacher curl, concentration curl, arm curl, dumbbell curls
and and 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in
Chest: incline press, decline press, chest press, bench press, peck
deck, and 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in
Back: lateral pull-down, low row, dorsi flexor, behind the head pull-
down, and 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in
Triceps: tricep dips (machine), tricep extension, tricep press-down,
tricep kick-back, and 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. 1 hour
of cardio in evening.
Shoulders: shoulder press, lateral raises with dumbbell, front
raises with dumbbell, shrugs with dumbbell, and 30 minutes of
cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in evening.
Legs and abs: Leg extension, leg press, hack-squat, leg curls, calf
press, calf raises, cruches, ab machine, leg raises and 30 minutes
of cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in evening.
Sunday OFF
and a nice chest), I would like to get down to 8% bodyfat. As you
can see, my main objective is to lose bodyfat (become lean). I have listed my workout regimen below:
Biceps: preacher curl, concentration curl, arm curl, dumbbell curls
and and 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in
Chest: incline press, decline press, chest press, bench press, peck
deck, and 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in
Back: lateral pull-down, low row, dorsi flexor, behind the head pull-
down, and 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in
Triceps: tricep dips (machine), tricep extension, tricep press-down,
tricep kick-back, and 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. 1 hour
of cardio in evening.
Shoulders: shoulder press, lateral raises with dumbbell, front
raises with dumbbell, shrugs with dumbbell, and 30 minutes of
cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in evening.
Legs and abs: Leg extension, leg press, hack-squat, leg curls, calf
press, calf raises, cruches, ab machine, leg raises and 30 minutes
of cardio in the morning. 1 hour of cardio in evening.
Sunday OFF