My chest area has the poorest blood circulation out of all the muscles in my body. Do you want to take a guess which muscles have the best blood circulation of all? That’s correct, my whole shoulder area from the neck all the way down to my front deltoids. Now in order for my muscles to grow, I first have to stimulate them with some intelligent training. Ok, granted I’ve done that, now what? Now I’ve got to supply these babies with the right nutrients so they can begin to grow. Here’s your answer: my blood supply to my chest was extremely poor, (the exact opposite of my shoulders). Poor circulation meant fewer nutrients could get delivered to my chest, which meant less recovery, (that’s what we’re talking about here remember) and less supercompensation after training, which actually made my chest smaller rather than bigger.
Enter the 100 REPS! Ah, not for growth mind you, not directly anyway. You see, this 100 reps are done with very light weights (hence no need for a gym trip, a 5kg d/bell or a 10kg barbell will do just fine thank you very much). This is NOT the 20+ rep squats I mentioned above. This here is serving a totally different purpose. What purpose? The purpose of increasing capillarisation in muscle tissues as well as increasing the capillary’s density. What does this mean to your precious muscles? Well it simply means that more oxygen and nutrient dense blood will be delivered to them. I can start a new thread here on how to add an inch onto your biceps or whatever body part is lagging behind, in one month flat. I’d be saying do your normal workout, eat like a horse and do a set of 50+ reps with very light weight at the end of your workout on that lagging bodypart. Then sit back and watch the magic take place!
i found this article on here, Sorry i coudlnet remember were so i just took the extract,
Any insight on this form the more advanced boys on here?
Are they saying high rep after work out, Or on rest days?
Has anyone actually proven this or tried it, Good Read none the less but if so i wouldnet mind incopertating a high rep circut set on rest days
Enter the 100 REPS! Ah, not for growth mind you, not directly anyway. You see, this 100 reps are done with very light weights (hence no need for a gym trip, a 5kg d/bell or a 10kg barbell will do just fine thank you very much). This is NOT the 20+ rep squats I mentioned above. This here is serving a totally different purpose. What purpose? The purpose of increasing capillarisation in muscle tissues as well as increasing the capillary’s density. What does this mean to your precious muscles? Well it simply means that more oxygen and nutrient dense blood will be delivered to them. I can start a new thread here on how to add an inch onto your biceps or whatever body part is lagging behind, in one month flat. I’d be saying do your normal workout, eat like a horse and do a set of 50+ reps with very light weight at the end of your workout on that lagging bodypart. Then sit back and watch the magic take place!
i found this article on here, Sorry i coudlnet remember were so i just took the extract,
Any insight on this form the more advanced boys on here?
Are they saying high rep after work out, Or on rest days?
Has anyone actually proven this or tried it, Good Read none the less but if so i wouldnet mind incopertating a high rep circut set on rest days