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Have you ever felt "guilty" or "ashamed" from steroid use?

I wish I had a high IQ, than again, maybe I do, I haven't been assessed, so potentially I could be a genius.
I do like the sound if that.

which is more advantageous, a ten inch schlong or a high I.Q.?
I'd go with the shlong any day @Stiffy ,high IQ-ers are ugly, boring kunce.

Im hung like a horse, dumber than a bag full of hammers and exist in a cone of ignorance, gotta admit I'm pretty happy most of the time.
Thats not true at all social skills and ambition trump iq anyday.

What good is intelligence if you can't convey or act on your thoughts cause your a scared little bitch, or a intelli snob who people hate.

Social skills are over rated in my opinion, i couldn't care less about most people, let alone want to be social with them, or care what they think.
Social skills are over rated in my opinion, i couldn't care less about most people, let alone want to be social with them, or care what they think.

Yes who needs people when you have your IQ for company.

You can hide behind your shield of indifference but you can't hide the fact your scared of people, were you picked on at school? Maybe your favourite uncle touched you on the pecker. Whatever the catalyst you are using your intelligence as a shield from the world and it is doing you a disservice. It is just illustrating your lack of insight into the world of men.
What am i hiding behind? I'm not afraid of people, i simply don't care for the vast majority, the few i do care for i get quite close to, but it's a small circle.

Insight into the world of men? What exactly am i missing out on?
What am i hiding behind? I'm not afraid of people, i simply don't care for the vast majority, the few i do care for i get quite close to, but it's a small circle.

Insight into the world of men? What exactly am i missing out on?

I can't believe you actually responded to that diatribe of troll babble, you aren't half as intellect as you think you are.
Or it means i'm super intelligent because i didn't get that you're trolling due to my lack of social skills caused by IQ.
fuck me mods should change the title of this to aspergers thread!

can always rely on 0ni for a rage and swearing in posts though lol.

The gear section is always such a fail for discussion of the actual topic at hand
Or it means i'm super intelligent because i didn't get that you're trolling due to my lack of social skills caused by IQ.

What would I know I'm just a dumb chippy, I don't even have an undergrad degree, or a higher school certificate for that matter.

I do know though that if this were 1940's Germany it'd likely be me manning the oven and you going in, if this were the Middle Ages you'd be the one scribing my escapades not swinging the broadsword, if we were pirates in the 1700's you'd be the cabin boy getting a length while I climbed the top mast.

Some people just land on top of the scrap heap cause they aren't particularly intelligent but are good at thriving in groups of peers.