Seriously Mocha, is it all innocent?
Would you tell your partner about some guy taking you to lunch and paying for it? even if it is at the work canteen.
How would you feel if some girl asked your partner out to lunch and payed at his canteen?
You see most guys know that to even get a chance of having lunch with a girl they have to take her where she would be most comfortable and work from there. After a couple of weeks he'll probably say, you know what, lets go somewhere different, my treat.
If you can say it doesn't bother you and you would tell him (your partner) honestly, from your heart, and not ramble out some politically correct jargon on this board, than don't worry about it. If not, than you have your answer.
I for one wouldn't appreciate my wife being taken out to lunch by some guy and he pays for her......fuck that shit......I would see ulterior motive written all over it, unless it was a work lunch, to discuss work matters of course.
Ahhh Woman: Strong, independent, logical, poweful............but fall for any sort of flattery known to man LOL.