This is from a bloke I used to follow when I was dumb and less stupid, about 20 years ago.
This is a quote from Robert Sparkman, or 'Herk' concerning what 20 rep squats will achieve- to all of you who have doubts about it's effectiveness.
Greetings Everyone!
During the course of my training career, I have found the Squat to be the most productive of all movements for me! I absolutely LOVE to Squat! It is, without a doubt, my favorite of all exercises! Squats, in my opinion, are the most result producing and effective means of adding tremendous amounts of Muscle & Might to your Physique!
Squats, by themselves, can constitute a workout if they are performed properly using impeccable form and worked brutally hard, especially when performed 20-Rep style! With the proviso that your body structure will allow you to perform them! You have got to work up to a poundage of at least 150% (preferably more) of your bodyweight for no less than 20 agonizing, brutally heavy, excrutiatingly uncomfortable, massively demanding, stomach churning, mind numbing, gut wrenching, tear forming, sweat drenching, muscle screaming reps to achieve the kind of worthwhile results that will both amaze and astound you! They can literally transform a wreck of a person, a veritable "Bag of Bones" so to speak, into a human Gorilla! They are that good of a movement! As a matter of fact, the kinds of poundages I am working out with nowadays are the direct result of the solid foundation I built by devoting massive amounts of "Herkulean" effort on 20-Rep Squats!
If you are truly serious about realizing your inherant potential for size and strength gains, then you need to make a Gargantuan effort towards learning how to Squat! Not only properly, but hard and heavy as well!
High Rep Squats are a fantastic total body exercise and serve as a perfect example of just what a basic compound movement, properly performed and worked brutally hard, can accomplish for you:
1) Superb development of the entire leg structure (yes, even the calves get worked during the movement).
2) Tremendous development of the hip muscles.
3) Significant development and conditioning of the lower back muscles.
4) Great expansion of both the rib cage and shoulder girdle increasing the potential for substantial upper body gains.
5) Enormous conditioning effects of the whole cardio-respiratory system plus fantastic gains in bodily endurance.
6) Stimulates and strengthens the internal organs by the movement of the diaphragm due to the deep, heavy breathing.
7) Build a mighty strong and powerful body that exudes self-confidence, vibrant health, superb vitality, and an indestructible power-of-will.
8) Increases your feeling of physical prowess immensely and instills a feeling that you can whip your weight in mountain lions.
Quite a multitude of benefits from just one basic exercise... wouldn't you agree?
It is through the persistent application of effort that real physical training success is attained! Every single one of you has been BLESSED with the potential to vastly improve your physique. Weight training, no matter what your ultimate goals are, helps to better serve your body's needs and further enhances your capacity to enjoy life!
Being able to subject your body to the rigors of regular and consistant 20-Rep Squats is a GIFT we have been given by our creator! Learn to enjoy, cherish, and savor those opportunities! Revel in the tremendous sense of accomplishment in knowing that you are building your Body, Mind, and Spirit by pushing yourselves far beyond what most lifters are capable of or could tolerate even just a little! Dare to take a chance and set yourselves apart from the majority! Release the "Iron Warrior" that is lying dormant within you! When you go into "Battle" every few days or so, attack your 20-Reppers with a vengeance! Implement your plan of action and emerge...VICTORIOUS! You will not be defeated... EVER! You must never, never, never, never, never, never give up! The gym is your battlefield! Your domain, you OWN IT! You are the one In Charge, The Boss, The King/Queen, The Chief Honcho, The Big Cheese, The Top Dog, The Big Kahuna... you get the picture! So right now, this very minute, make up your mind to build a will as strong as your muscles and from this day forward make each and every workout... COUNT!
Twenty Rep Squats have worked for me and they, most certainly, can do the same for YOU! Thank you so very much for letting me share some of my thoughts and beliefs with all of you! It is greatly appreciated!
Take care, God Bless, keep the faith, and have an awesome day everyone! Be SAFE this Memorial Day and please... take a moment to remember all those who sacrificed so much for our freedom! Thank You! Many positive thoughts and prayers are being sent your way for continued success with your lifting and in your lives! Kindest regards all ways!
Strength And Honor,
H onesty
E xcellence
R espect
K indness