I sometimes think that the Labor Left is just as looney as the Liberal Right is grubby. Middle of the road is where it's at.
Is Gay Marriage the answer, I'm not sure. As Spartacus's article earlier indicates, homosexuality could be a health issue past down from Parents ie. Testosterone's effects on the Fetus being changed. That being said, a Gay bloke who was actually a Gay activist once told me "if anyone tells you that homosexuality isn't a choice, they're lying!".
People who are stopping it from happening (as in the liberal party) have a vested interest to do so
Hey Mick, I'm always puzzled by these demands by Muslims that I as a Muslim have never heard of or agree with. It reminds me of the , "Oh we have to be mindful with our Christmas carols; Christmas decorations, Christmas music..., and of course we need to cater for the Muslims by including halal certified meat."
Really..! I for one can assure you and grantee you that it's all made up fairy tales by non-Muslims..., who've never been approached nor asked by Muslims to allow for such special privileges. It's 100% clear in the Quran what Muslims can and can not eat as far as meat is concerned. The meat of a pig is prohibited under normal circumstances, but is allowed under rare circumstances also (like starvation). Meat that is allowed under Islamic dietary law is allowed to be eaten if slaughtered by "people of the book", i.e. Jews and Christians (but not others).
Only now that the Muslim community has reached a fairly large number (relatively speaking), that it can do things for itself. "Itself" here does not encompass the non-Muslims in the community nor does it aim to impose its way of life on others. Hence, it makes absolutely no sense to me as an Australian Muslim to expect the non-Muslims in the community to cater for me, as I've never asked for it. However since we live in a capitalist society first and foremost, companies feel the need to "look after those Muslim minority" by catering for them when food is manufactured for example..., I think of yogurt here or ice cream and either the exclusion of "gelatin", or to say that this gelatin is of halal origin, and even the most famous food additive number, the "471" that would stop a Muslim from purchasing the food that includes it for fear of having its origin from pig fat, since 471 is a mono and diglycerides forms of fatty acids. But now we see companies writing: "471 vegetable origin"..., I was happy not to buy Mr. Businessman, but thank you for being so considerate, even when I never asked or demanded it.
So in a nutshell, if halal is available, then there's no excuse to have a non halal meat. By the way, the word halal means permitted or lawful, and is not somehow restricted to meat etc. My wife is halal onto me and I am onto her, that does not mean we're some piece of meat..., and the word haram means prohibited.
I'll leave it here, as I know you didn't ask for all of the above mate.
Hi Fadi i have a few questions.What does it say in the Quran about homosexuality?Are gays accepted in the Muslim community?Do u on a personal level judge them for their sexual orientation or do u have a live and let live policy.would appreciate your answers.thanks.
Fadi, bit of topic here but let me reply.
I have grown up in South West Sydney, and I have grown up with many Muslim friends (mostly Turkish), and still have many close Muslim friends.
I left Sydney 5 years ago, to live in a rural area (no Muslims here), and my daughter and son changed school. The first year my daughter was amazed that they were allowed to sing Christmas carols and do Christmas craft, as at her previous school in Sydney they were not allowed to do as it may offend some people.
I know it's not you doing it personally, and I have a feeling you have integrated into this country from what you say and post here, so have all of my muslim friends, but you must admit that there are plenty of people that have not integrated and have no intention to integrate. Living in Liverpool and working in Bass Hill, Greenacre and Bankstown I saw plenty of those people, and really it played a large part in my decision to leave the urban centres for a better life. Looking back over the last 5 years I feel I have successfully achieved this.
Also keep in mind that I also came to this country as a migrant when I was 13, I came from a different culture and I consider myself first and foremost Australian.
OK, so we've determined that having gay relations is unnatural. Now the question becomes, how unnatural is Marriage. How often does it happen in nature that two animals make a long term commitment to each other.
See, my reason for being undecided on the whole gay marriage debate is that even if having your shit pushed in is unnatural, having a piece of paper saying you belong me is just as unnatural.
P.S. just on the topic of threesomes. I bet @Grunta; and @Nikko; never resorted to having a threesome.