have a listen to lps.
Here is Gerry, who just recently offered twisted humor by putting up a picture of the disgusting and degradable uniforms that a race had to wear, and now lps has crack at me for referring to him as the last of he-men.
I think most readers here know who is a keyboard warrior, and LPS you are a the top of the list.
There is only three people on here I have made sustained criticism of. Oni, who I still have some contact with; Gerry for various reasons, not without substance because he does often get banned; and now I suppose you.
Now I would meet up with Oni and Gerry if possible because we do have shared interests. But with you, no way. Cannot stand sit stirrers that masquerade on this site as having some importance due to an ability of causing hits on the site for shit stirring.
I have said my piece. I now hope I do not have to listen to your bs again.