Huge turnout for same-sex marriage vote -
MORE than half of eligible Australians have already had their say in the same-sex marriage postal vote, according to official Australian Bureau of Statistics records.
As of Friday, 29 September, the ABS estimates it has received 9.2 million (57.5 per cent) survey forms.
Releasing the first of weekly participation updates today, the ABS said the estimate is indicative only, because it’s based on the bulk containers of returned forms and not a count of individual or processed forms.
It does not include forms that have been posted but not yet delivered by Australia Post to the ABS.
ABS Deputy Statistician and Taskforce Lead, Jonathan Palmer, said weekly updates will be provided until the survey closes on 7 November, 2017.
Final participation figures will be available when all processing is completed and survey results are released on 15 November, 2017.
The tally will be released each Tuesday, but won’t include results of how the vote is split between Yes and No camps.
More than 16 million postal survey packages were sent out when the survey began.