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Essendon FC investigated over supplements

Don't know, looks like the PEDS was more of a secondary thing to the links to organised crime with some of the NRL and other sports betting cases over the last few years.

And agree with you on the gov using it as a smokescreen to hide behind

looks like fremantle's sponsor is getting fined for unlicensed imports

Dank has an anti aging clinc at Bondi

Essendon failed its duty of care for its players ?
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What a load of shit. The fans don't want drugs in sport. Have a look at uproar over this and the Armstrong thing.
With this peptide scandal I can see stupid people who have no idea what they are talking about calling for the ban on things like creatine and protein powder.
With this peptide scandal I can see stupid people who have no idea what they are talking about calling for the ban on things like creatine and protein powder.

Yep my misuss and my mum had a go at me about how too much protein powder is going to damage my kidneys. Idiots, thats the mentality of these people. I'd be concerned if I owned a supp shop.
Yep my misuss and my mum had a go at me about how too much protein powder is going to damage my kidneys. Idiots, thats the mentality of these people. I'd be concerned if I owned a supp shop.

I will find an email from my mrs its hilarious
I will find an email from my mrs its hilarious

Doesn't help that this douche who worked for my mother inlaw had heaps of kidney problems from years of 'supplement: use. At least thats what he was telling people, truth is dickhead had bedn taking ph's for like 5 years constantly.

Yeah sure mate its the wpi and creatine that put you in hospital on dialysis and lead to your infertility. Fucking momos
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Actually the uproar is in the media.. we really have no idea what the fans believe. Media != Public.

Apparently the last couple days people have been driving past the essondon footy club yelling out abuse as they go by. Does that tell ya.

Seriously don't anyone kid themselves that the general public is ok with drugs in sport.
Apparently the last couple days people have been driving past the essondon footy club yelling out abuse as they go by. Does that tell ya.

Seriously don't anyone kid themselves that the general public is ok with drugs in sport.

Again, only because the media has told them how to think.
Why does the general public believe caffeine is good and amphetamines bad?, hint, it's probably not because of a detailed medical understanding....

People are sheep, most people think what the journalists tell them to think.

Bit of chicken or the egg scenario. Do the media think that way because that's the public perception or does the public perception follow the media. Either way it doesn't really matter, the outcome is exactly the same.

People are not going to be happy with this. I think us here coming from BB and PL type interests where PEDs use is more out in the open and often more relaxed about it. But the general public doesn't want drugs in sport at all. They don't want their young kids playing a sport were you have to be on the gear at the top. Wether right or wrong It's just the way it is.

People are off their heads if they think that drugs in sport is just going to be considered ok.
Why does the general public believe caffeine is good and amphetamines bad?, hint, it's probably not because of a detailed medical understanding....

LOL Give me a break. I'm no doctor but I have a coffee every morning, I'm quite positive that my life wouldn't be where it is if I warmed up the glass barby every morning instead.

I'm a massive footy fan and I'm disappointed with all this shit. I just want a level playing field, if peptides are kosher then I want everyone on them, not just the clubs or players who are willing to push the envelope. If they aren't kosher, then thats the end of that, I hate this ambiguity that some players or teams may or may not be on them, and the whole competitions integrity is questioned.

That is a good point, but what else would they have been taking besides peptides to be coughing up 5g a week per player??
I just want a level playing field

What about some players having naturally higher GH and Testosterone than others? - Or taller players...?... Is that really level?

What about, as has been mentioned in some media, the fact that the general public may well get some of these substances for injury treatment, but that sports players cannot? - What about HRT for those that actually need it (for its non sporting benefits)

People have to stop taking sports so seriously... its a game with arbitrary rules somebody made up that people watch for entertainment (not quite sure why - I'd rather attempt to play AFL (exceptionally poorly) than watch other people i don't know play...) that doesn't really contribute anything that matters.

(note, i'm all for people player sports, i just think professional sports are silly - As is betting on sports)

If all sports were still amateur, we probably wouldn't have this situation in the first place.
I think the problem isn't so much the drugs more that the AFL, NRL etc all claim their players are clean and good role models etc then its shown the marketing bs doesn't match the reality on the ground and thats what is pissing people off.

The question is who is telling the journalists, and editors what aspects to focus on ?
advertisers ?

The average footy fan (league) just wants to see a good game with plenty of big hits and with their team having a chance at winning.

I agree but thats the problem its not just a game its a big business with billions of dollars involved
I agree but thats the problem its not just a game its a big business with billions of dollars involved
thats exactly it. Its big business, big rewards for those who successfully cheat. And menial labouring jobs for alot of those who don't.

You cannot get these substances currently for an injury now anyway so doesn't matter.

HRT is controversial anyway as it is. Expect a government crackdown on HRT prescriptions. They are already investigating it as we speak.

Sport is never going back to amateur. I play lower level footy and some blokes get up to 2000 a game. Almost everyone playing seniors gets payed. Top level sport is never going back. It's big money.