Essendon FC fucked up.
Exercise doesn't need to be complicated or complex. Too much time is spent picking the fly shit out of the pepper.
They wanted there players their players to be bigger and stronger.
That weapon bloke is typical of today's crop, he had them training too long and too close to the season, 2 hour leg session, then players had to spend another 2 hours skill training.
If anything, the training regimen he had the players follow was criminal, stupid, idiotic.
Duty of care is number one, the weight room should, has to be the safest place in the stadium.
Exercise is, should be performed to increase ones flexibility around a given joint, applying resistance to a muscle without impact from the fully stretched position to fully contracted position, by increasing one flexibility you are increasing strength, and size.
This is the byproduct of exercise, and it shouldn't happen over one season.
It makes my fuckin blood boil and I predicted the increase of injury, injuries could be cut dramatically if coaches viewed exercise differently and not think like Olympic weightlifters and power lifters.