I wasn't sure of the status under ASADA of peps, but see the below lifted from a ban notice on their website - GH peps are not kosher.
I knew the IGF's were banned but maybe they hadn't caught up to GHRP's yet. Not so, if it was GH Peps they were taking there is going to be a pretty serious fall out.
The thing is from what I've read it's very hard to test for there are some bans in place but they all seem to be from players that got busted cause they got caught buying it in the post. Customs and ASADA must share information.
GHRP-6 is not approved for human use in Australia. Anyone considering the use of this substance
should be aware that it may involve potentially serious health consequences.
Possession, use or attempted use by athletes of this substance is also prohibited at all times
under the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code). Penalties for breaching the Code can potentially
include a lifetime ban for second offences.