Cock Diesel
Jay, you can cook with whey but really need to observe some rules - whey absorbs moisture like a sponge and will make baked goods dry and rubbery. Like eating tyres. A waste of expensive whey. I sometimes bake with it but add in sufficient soft/moist ingredients to keep the texture great.
Good things to use are banana, fruit purees, sweet potato or pumpkin, pureed cooked cauliflower, cottage/ricotta cheese, that sort of thing.
Whey would not work well in the jaffa cookies as they need something that is a good sub for flour. Rice protein is great for that.
The whey might work in some brownie recipes, so long as there is enough moist ingredients and don't over cook.
Choc mint is OK if you like choc mint brownies? Just don't add other flavourings. What brownie recipe were you contemplating?
I love chocolate mint anything

That's actually been mostly what I've read about cooking with whey, so I only stir it into hot stuff if I need it. Tends to be ok then. Never actually cooked with it, though.
Might have to put it off for a while though, just got confirmation that I'm getting surgery on Monday. No brownies for a week or two *sadpandaface*