Look at Moi, I'm a Kunce
Just don't go pick up a ladyboy
His only criteria was that they are slim enough to find their own genitals.... I'd imagine most lady boys fit in to this category

Just don't go pick up a ladyboy
Women are the biggest moneywasters known to mankind mate.
Think of all the $$ you will be saving and no headaches or mindgames.
No more silent treatment etc
The best part of a relationship I think is when you broke up and drive off in the sunset with your goat.
I know I'm going to probably infuriate the female population within this forum (and quite possible some of the blokes) but if a guy isn't giving his woman what she needs from an emotional perspective, can he really expect her to strip down and have sex just because he wants it or his sexual needs aren't being fulfilled?
What are you still doing here?