Ah I remember my best snatch, oh to be 18 again
Well what is your best clean and jerk?
Best snatch?
So you don't know my numbers but your convinced you are doing more...
Lets get this straight
You want me to post videos of my lifts as evidence that I am stronger than you
But will not even talk about your personal bests or post videos of yourself, with the only "evidence" to the contrary are training logs from a month ago c+j 100kg and use a video of me from 9 months ago?
And you want to see "pictures" of my sister?
Voted other
There is no ideal rep range for strength, you will need every rep range at different stages of training and training age. Consigning yourself to one rep range will only lead to failure. Even the Bulgarian's knew this
Sure thing, I'll ignore the fact you said you've regressed since then
10 years older than me? lmao 33 years old you're just entering your prime. Of course you ignore that you're 10kg heavier than me but whatever, I'll get that video
The Bulgarian comment was aimed at their (apparent) prescription for singles and doubles with limit weights when the reality is they did lots of bodybuilding exercises
Clip isn't loading...neither is pics of sister...