Fadi has pointed out a very important form of training, one I was briefly caught when doing my maximal strength course as part of my's PDP's for my cert 4 in Fitness.
I believe the technique is called Maximal Isometric loading and Maximal Starting Strength at different joint angles, usually done in an environment where on can safely re-rack a bar from any given height.
When I did the training, I believe we used 140kg at the bottom 'sticking point', from which I had to maintain an isometric contraction for 10s.
We also completed partial reps with a lighter weight in the weaker portions of our lifts. I discovered than I am equally strong throughout my bench press and squat which came as a surprise to me. However my deadlift I am slightly different from the bottom. It's hard to explain, there are probably countless videos online.
Below, I have attached a photo of the periodisation we use for clients whose main goals are to get strong. This is used throughout the gym and by numerous sporting clubs.
This one was crafted by the man who trains the Irish Rugby Team. If anyone wants any of these periodisation charts, I am planning on scanning some stuff soon, so can get a better copy.
I'm no expert on this, however I have seen it implemented and it's effectiveness on clients who are either extremely efficient athletes experiencing diminishing returns or pure newbies struggling to make ground from less structured training.