I say try all methods of pushing and pulling, settle on moves that don't cause pain after a protracted period, I think most unfortunately the bench press has caused more shoulder problems than solved.
i only say that because a lot of dudes use this exclusively with not much pulliin going on.
The barbell bench press is cool, just like all exercises, but as a pec builder you might be better off flying or picking up boulders.
as a triceps exercise it's a beauty but probably safer options like push downs.
but after 30 years of workouts under the belt you should know what's hot and what is not.
The Dead-lift
Yank that bitch off the floor, and then drop that bar like its hot, slam it down!
the negative is not necessary.
this is one exercise that requires a strong bod, not sure it really builds one.
Been thinking about this for a week or two, you beat me to starting a thread Stiffy.
I tend to do flyes a lot more than presses and haven't flat barbell benched for a long time now. In bodybuilding terms, I think the flye and even db presses are superior.
Superior for myself, not really talking about anyone else.
Everyone will find they get better activation and/or results from some movements rather than others, you just have to find what works for you
I actually get a good pump/workout in chest from bench press alone.
You keep your Elbows out, old School????
I thought that was supposed to be a fast track to fooked Shoulders??
What about different Bodily structures giving different results. Some kunce more suited to Benching?