I bench quite narrow and flat-backed. On and off I've tried benching competition-style, with poor results. I'm much weaker, my shoulder hurts and bar speed drops and I don't gain. And yes, with 100kg paused @77kg, my bench sucks balls anyway.
I wonder if some people, due to their mechanics, are just not suited to typical big arch wide grip benching? For example, I'm 5"11 with relatively narrow shoulders and long arms - benching relatively narrow and flat-backed just seems to work much better for me.
I'm just suggesting that you're focusing too much on the more complex aspects of the bench when you'll make greater gains by
I don't understand, how does working on technique detract from training? Unless the person is time-poor and can only spent x total minutes in the gym per week. I think the main issue here is, which is better in the long run for a big competition bench:
a) Training the bench like you would do in competition
b) Doing the majority of training with less arch and narrower grip, which arguably gives better ROM and better joint health/longevity?
This is something experienced guys like yourself would probably have an opinion on?
I really don't mean to be offensive there either. I'm amazed that the person I see in that video can deadlift 190kg. How about you try and build some muscle! Follow
People are so quick to jump on the eat more/lift more bandwagon, which achieves what exactly? If you look at Oni's
relative strength, posts and questions, it seems he has a fairly solid understanding in programming etc and reads widely. This is a thread about technical issues, not his size or diet.
Having lurked for a bit on these forums and read plenty of old threads, I find it interesting that often people trying to approach PLing with a technical/analytic mindset are discouraged. Seems often the general mentality here is "stop thinking, eat more" etc.