I really tested (and hammered myself today)
Raining outside so I decided to do the deck of cards workout. I haven't done anything like this since my back op, so i had a thorough warm-up and tried all the exercises, they felt ok....
hearts = burpees
spades = pushups
diamonds = situps
clubs = prison squats
ace = 1 rep, 2 =2 and so on until ten = ten reps.
all picture cards were 12 reps today (in the past ive done jack = 11, queen =12, king =13)
So i got thru the whole pack. Half way i gave myself a drink and already had a mad headache. Then got theu another quarter, felt like vomiting, got down to my undies and finished off the workout. So only 3 breaks which im happy with and my form was good until the last card was 9 burpees and they were sloppy hahah.
i shuffled the pack so many times before i started to delay the inevitable. haha
so thats;
-91 burpees
-91 pushups
-91 situps
-91 prison (bodyweight & hands on head) squats
Back pulled up ok, Ill do this once a week, and hopefully next week I wont stop and can make the aces a 30sec plank or something.
you really have to concentrate and stay focussed in this workout or it can beat you. When i first started i didnt do the picture cards, or all of them were 10 reps etc. Id like to make the aces a plank & jokers a set of 20 burpees, something stupid to fuck me up.
Great little workout & only took 25mins i think it was....