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AusBB/PTC strength comp

I can see people are getting confused.

I'll explain it again.

Step 1:
Weigh yourself

Step 2:
Bench the weight you saw in the scales (as close as possible) for the maximum amount of reps.

Cheers Trent.
I'll get my attempt up tomorrow after work. I'll be doing 75kg, interested to see how I go though seeing as I've been benching like sh*t lately. Awesome attempts up so far.
Lol the guys asking why I'm repping out so much. Had to explain it was for bragging rights.

They love giving this old guy shit them f****s lol

cheers Trent
Trent, go to off topic or relationship forum if you want to flirt with blokes.

This is the strength section.
Your all backwards no wonder...most people would moan because they were getting hot and heavy....in your case lighter.

Will see if an older man can beat you tomorrow, will attempt, 75, 80, and 110 for max reps, on session, should keep everyone happy,.... And it kinda fits into my training ATM.
Had a crack tonight just to see where I was at.

Managed 13 reps at 95kgs.

Not bad, seeing as I haven't bench pressed in about 3 months (am deliberately avoiding training my chest as it is overpowering back / shoulders).

Might give it another crack next week and get a vid up. Within a few weeks, I should be able to get 20 I reckon, would be hoping for at least 15 next week.
Seeing as this comp started late in the month, any chance of it being extended a week or two into august?

I wouldn't mind giving it a serious crack.
Your all backwards no wonder...most people would moan because they were getting hot and heavy....in your case lighter.

Will see if an older man can beat you tomorrow, will attempt, 75, 80, and 110 for max reps, on session, should keep everyone happy,.... And it kinda fits into my training ATM.

We gotta catch eman at 75kg. Aint gonna happen if were 85kg lol..

Edited - Ranting lol
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We gotta catch eman at 75kg. Aint gonna happen if were 85kg lol..

Edited - Ranting lol

Sorry Scott...

But Trent I don't give a shit about Emad, I don't want to stay an ugly chic at <75kg, I just want to enjoy getting bigger and stronger. I compete against my old standards....
It also doesn't make sense for a 'monthly' comp to only run for 10 days. Seeing as it's late, I don't see a problem with there being a slight overlap for the next comp.

You could end this one on say 10th September or so, and start the next one properly on 1st September. It doesn't matter if they are both running concurrently. It is only the first time anyway.