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AusBB Odd Lift Leaderboard

That hollow is the natural curve of your spine...

This. Your lower back is not supposed to be flat it is at a stronger position to handle load with that arch. Also if you lose balance under a heavy load and twist your lower back (due to not being stable due to not foot contact) you are in a more dangerous position for you lower back. Sheer forces and the lumbar spine do not mix.
^^^^^^^^^^that does make sense to me when you put it like that, might give it a run next time I bench. Will report back, will have another bash at the 100kg rep challenge before 2012 anyway I think!
Tried it today, hated it, felt uncomfortable and only got to 8 x 100kg, so will stick with what I know, been doing it like that for over 20 years, so I should be right

Had a look at Mark Rippetoe's benching video, I might have to persist with doing it with my feet on the ground for 2012, as I been studying his videos on form for the major lifts and I am aiming to get my form right on all the major compound exercises for 2012, even if it means initially going back on the weights a bit, as I want to safely reach my 2012 lifting goals this year!!
75% bench rep challenge = 16 reps @ 65kg. weight 86kg
1rm pullup = 87.5(weight in gym on the day) + 32.5kg.

edit. oh and my max pull is now 190kg.
will try a deficit pull later in the week for a laugh.
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Can you put me down for a 185kg max pull please. That's just regular deadlift. Going to have to try this off some mats. I think I might run out of weights though lol.
100kg Push Press

[YOUTUBE][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRvEuiC9oow&list=UUdIeywci4P7xJrc2mgNQIOA&index=33&feature=plcp]Paul 100kg Overhead PB @ 90kg - YouTube[/ame][/YOUTUBE]