Fucked up Kunce
you just add plates (half BW)to a dipping belt, stand on a step high enough start in the contracted position then lower yourself for a count of 10 or 20 and repeat until you can’t control the movement
prior to that you’d do as many as you can *normal rep’s
*nice full range slow controlled reps 2 sec up, 1 sec pause, 4 sec down.
6 reps strong
7 reps really strong
8~9 super strong
10 reps rare
over 10 gymnastics strong wow!!!
if you did 6
with minimal rest get your belt on and do the negatives.
it might take a few goes to settle on a weight
once you’ve settled on a good neg weight you can start thinking about progression
mid only do it once a week though, overtraining is real.
I may try soon.
Thanks Gooseboy