I know, it's scary isn't it..., how dare we even contemplate such a view, when all the media says otherwise!
Now I'm sure nearly all of you would consider what this American born Muslim says in her talk is just false and blatant lies. Why is that? Because the media says otherwise, and who knows more than the media right!
Just listen to the media when they talk about bodybuilders and/or the bodybuilding lifestyle. What's that you say..., don't trust the media anymore? I understand...
If you can't be bothered spending 15 minutes of your time on the above, then how about 30 seconds, between 8:00 and 8:30...
To the atheists here, you're welcome to fast forward to 9:39, where you can meet one of your friends named Craig Hicks, whom I refer to as a terrorist, and you refer to him as a lone wolf. To all the atheist members on this forum who believe that I (as a Muslim), should feel responsible for the terrorist attacks committed against innocent people, I ask you the same question you're asking me. Craig Hicks, like the atheist macho men who are beating their chest with pride on this forum, expressed his hate for all religions in the same way you express yours on Ausbb.
So do the world a favour, and wake up from your delusional slumber, as I make no distinction between your attitude and that of a religious extremist..., you both carry extremist views, period!
"Another Terrorist Attack" is the title of this thread. In that case, here's yet another terrorist attack..., I've got hundreds of those if anyone's interested in seeing the whole picture with a clear and open mind.