Dont ask me about this unless you are doing that.
Can you see where I'm headed with this. Nick made a point to you that you dont need to be spreading this rubbish, suggesting and what not.
Everybody needs to squat and deadlift. Period.
Agreed. However, that's an approach which only works if you have your own place to teach, and can pick and choose your clients.
I don't expect to be doing that straight away. I can easily see this happening:
Kyle: "So mate, this is the squat."
Client: "I don't want to squat, I walk that's my leg work, what about a bicep curl."
Kyle: "Don't ask me about bicep curls until you squat. You'll get more growth squatting and curling than from curling alone."
Client: "I'll just curl more."
Kyle: "Here are some pictures of guys who squatted a lot. Big, aren't they? And in my experience -"
Client: "Naw I just wanna curl."
Kyle: "Look, you must squat."
Client: "Fuk you I'll train with someone else."
Gym manager: "Kyle you idiot we just lost another client because you won't give them the training they want. You're fired."
When you work for yourself, you can do things however you want. When you work for someone else, you have to compromise. Same in any job.
It's easy to mouth off and say, "well tell them to bugger off." But most of us have to compromise a bit in our lives.
Maybe in a few years when I'm qualified and experienced and can set up my own place, I too can be uncompromising and tell them if they don't like it they can leave. Until then...
We've been through this before, fellahs. Markos can talk - he's set up his own business. He's put it all on the line, betting the dinner on his family's table that he can make it work. I'm not willing to do that just yet, and I know few of you have done that, either.