Not impressed with the institute again today.
We all arrived shortly before 0900, everyone was in dread. "We've got a new teacher, So-and-so is teaching us today, she's harsh, she locks the door if you're late and won't let you in."
At 0910 nobody had arrived to teach us. I rang up the senior educator, got his answerphone. "Mate, this is Kyle from Cert III Fitness, we've got a class scheduled here for 0900, we have either teacher X or Y, we're not sure, but for whatever reason they've decided not to join us. We're feeling a bit lonely, could you call me back and tell me if we're going to get any company? Thanks."
Extremely polite but taking the piss, it's the best way to be with people who are messing you about.
No callback this time. Some people started drifting off, normally everyone would have been gone by 0920 or so, but the second half of the class was getting their practical assessment in the afternoon, so...
At 0950 the teacher arrived. "Sorry I'm late." People were pretty angry.
"Almost an hour, geez."
"No, class started at 0930."
"It's been 0900 the whole semester so far."
"Oh I see what's happened. We have a meeting at 0800, over at the other campus we walk out of the meeting into the class, but since this is a different campus we have to drive over, so class starts at 0930."
"The other teacher always came at 0900."
"Yes, she missed the meeting."
"Well so should you."
"But at the meeting we discuss issues and -"
"Does the meeting facilitate teaching?"
"Um, yes."
"As much as actually teaching?"
"Well, no, but -"
"Then miss it."
"Look if you have an issue with the competence of the teaching, talk to the senior educator."
"The issue isn't the teachers' competence, it's their attendance. It doesn't matter how good or bad you are if you don't show up."
"Yes, fair enough."
"Less meeting, more teaching."
Later there was mention of the exam, which every other teacher had said was open book, but this one said wasn't. We said this was unfair.
"But I don't believe in open book exams. You have to learn the material, closed book is better for you."
"That may be so," I said, "but better or worse, for the past six weeks we've been told it was open book, now you say it's not. Open or closed, we have to know so we can prepare and study accordingly. You can't change partway through."
"Okay, fair enough, it'll be open book. But if you don't study you still won't pass it."
After the class, it being lunchtime and me having done the practical thing the week before, but some others doing it, I went up.
"You're assessing them this afternoon?"
"Okay, something which came up last week - a couple of the things we're assessed on is our mentioning a healthy diet, and fibre. We haven't actually done any nutrition in this course yet. I don't think anyone failed because of those few points so last week it didn't really matter, but it's possible it'll be an issue this week, you never know. Please go easy on them for that bit."
"I will, thanks for telling me, and fair enough."
It's a real mess. No communication between the teachers, the senior educator and teachers, the manual a muddle, and so on. I certainly won't be doing Cert IV there, it costs just as much there as at other places, I may as well pay the same and do it quicker.