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0ni's diet log

I saw the veins on my abs for the first time today
A shame that I can't see all my abs yet lol.
I'll get some decent pictures taken on Saturday
How are you finding the PSMF's? Any impact on training?

I have introduced them prior to my midweek sessions and seem to get light headed without really pushing myself too hard.
How are you finding the PSMF's? Any impact on training?

I have introduced them prior to my midweek sessions and seem to get light headed without really pushing myself too hard.

Yeah it's hard work but I just increased my ephedrine prior to training and keep it lighter and more voluminous than usual
Fell off the wagon a little this last week. Still looking GREAT though.
Just had some life trouble, as everyone knows here I am not a sane individual by any stretch and sometimes life gets too much

And by fell off the wagon, I mean I had had a slice of cake on wednesday and had cheat meals fri/sat/sun this week. So still better than 99% of Australians, haha. Tomorrow I'll have a starve day very high in protein to get myself back into ketosis fast. So protein shakes only and for dinner I'll buy 500g of the leanest mince and make some tacos or something cool and fun. Tuesday will be very similar but maybe the 10% fat mince instead so still pretty lean. Then back to normal by Wednesday

I look fucking great and sitting around 74kg at the moment
I dont post much here, but if u want to get into ketosis you dont do it by slamming lean protein, if more then anything you gotta eat super high fat dude lots of coconut oil, avos, bacon, egg yolk etc
I dont post much here, but if u want to get into ketosis you dont do it by slamming lean protein, if more then anything you gotta eat super high fat dude lots of coconut oil, avos, bacon, egg yolk etc

This is incorrect I am afraid. If you want more details then you can look it up in The Ketogenic Diet by Lyle McDonald.
Getting into keto is as simple as your liver running out of glycogen. This is more to do with calories than macronutrients (carbohydrates ignored)
On page 108 he mentions you need at least 150g of protein in the initial stages which for me is easy to hit. But honestly I just keep protein as high as possible and aim for at least 350g in protein a day. Gluconeogenesis will happen when protein is high but with heavy weight training the body will favourably refill muscle glycogen over liver glycogen (p. 110).
Fat is in essence a caloric ballast, a nutrient which has a relatively neutral effect on insulin levels or ketosis, and which is used to adjust calories. (p. 111) and there appears to be no difference in a ketogenic diet which contains fat and one which does not contain fat. (p. 113)

So for me it boils down to keeping protein as high as possible while keeping calories as low as possible. Today I ate 500g of 90% lean mince made in a tiny bit of butter (to saute half an onion) and had 3 protein shakes each with 40g of (actual) protein in them. So 220g of protein. I ran out of protein so would have had at least two more shakes but I'll probably have some BCAAs that I got given before bed. 1040kcal for the whole day. Plus some ephedrine fat burners and I will be in ketosis by tomorrow morning. I like to do a protein sparing modified fast but I ran out of protein (more is in the post, ordered it last week so hopefully tomorrow lol) so I bought some lean mince. I don't like the ultra lean mince so just got the 90% not 95%. The difference is the same protein but 200 less calories... won't make much of a difference at all really.
I dont understand where your getting ylur energy from as the body struggles to
Break down protein ive done how you have and all i felt was lethargic and foggy, each to their own and i wont have a scientific battle with you as i cant be fucked but people by the likies of Ben Greenfield, John Kiefer, Rakesh Patel and yes Jimmy Moore all pretty much say the same thing, but hey if you feel good go hard brother all the power to you jilust was curious
I dont understand where your getting ylur energy from as the body struggles to
Break down protein ive done how you have and all i felt was lethargic and foggy, each to their own and i wont have a scientific battle with you as i cant be fucked but people by the likies of Ben Greenfield, John Kiefer, Rakesh Patel and yes Jimmy Moore all pretty much say the same thing, but hey if you feel good go hard brother all the power to you jilust was curious

That's fine, I welcome intelligent discussion as people will sometimes make points that I had previously overlooked.
I don't like Kiefer at all really. He looks at his stuff in isolation and thinks it applies to the real world. Focusing on the 1% while really all that matters is the 99%. Many of the stuff he cites is done on fully fasted people (48h no food) or type 1 diabetics and simply does not apply to regular people. Especially the post training carbs, it's silly imo. Post training you're dehydrated and most people train last thing at night.

Explaining this out for everyone, your body is really, really sensitive to insulin immediately when you start training and lasts 30 minutes then drops slightly until 45 minutes then falls dramatically. At 120 minutes post training your muscles are almost entirely insulin resistant (Nutrient Timing, Ivy). An ideal CBL post training carb up is 500g of sugar. Unless you're well prepared you're going to get home when your insulin resistance starts to increase. You eat your meal but you're dehydrated from training. Osmosis can't do it's job so the sugar will just sit in your small intestine allllll night. You get a big ass spike in insulin and it's still going when you wake up in the morning. Sounds like an amazing recipe for insulin resistance to me. The body will be resistant to insulin anyway so it will go mostly in fats.

He also states that the body is most sensitive to insulin the morning then drops throughout the day but then cites studies that show the complete opposite. What I do is on my carb up day I'll be adding whole flour to my shakes all day. I drink gatorade pre and post training with a protein shake with plenty of flour again pre and post training. THIS is how you get your carbs in without being fat. I'll be drinking water all the way home and then I have my carb up but opt for better sources of carbohydrates like pizza. So I shift half of the carbs pre training so they are less likely to be stored as fat and they are all digesting by the time I start training ready to be in my muscles.

This is all the 1% of training though. Calories and macros are the 99% so focus on that. You won't notice the other 1% until you're very lean... like sitting down relaxed and you're lean, that level of lean lol.

I was in ketosis when I got home last night (Tuesday) at maybe 8pm. If you're not eating adequate calories then your body will use up the liver and muscle glycogen irrespective of macros. I had that brain fog when I first started the diet but after 2 weeks I didn't have it any more.
Flour in your shakes? lol.. not going to argue with you as what you do works for you.. but man.. that's extreme.
Flour in your shakes? lol.. not going to argue with you as what you do works for you.. but man.. that's extreme.

Sposes its no different than powdered oats, although processed to a greater degree, and in turn accelerates digestion.

Flour and protein powder, throw in an egg and you're basically drinking cake batter.
Flour in your shakes? lol.. not going to argue with you as what you do works for you.. but man.. that's extreme.

WHOLE flour not white flour... it's good and fast acting
You don't taste it at all either really. I'll make my shakes a scoop of flour then a scoop of choc WPC, half a scoop of choc micellar casein and half a scoop of egg white protein. The chocolate with the sucralose will overpower all

Sugar isn't the same even dextrose... similar amount of carbs will make the shake really sweet and nasty, I don't like sweet food really when I cheat I opt for things like pizza or KFC lol, chips etc although I really like ice cream like all white people

The only thing is you can't pre-make them as it will turn to bread after a few hours lol. Mixing it all together is fine but when you add water you really need to drink it there and then

It's also really high in glutamine... 5-10g of glutamine peptides I think depending on scoop size. Flour protein (gluten (GLUTen)) is nearly 100% GLUTamine so it works really well for your carb up days or just extra carbs for your shake in general. Glutamine is $30/kg online and a kilo of glutamine in the form of whole flour (7.2% glutamine) is 14kg of flour which costs around the same AND you get carbs with it... so you can see it's a very cheap way to buy glutamine. A kilo of flour is maybe $2
Flour in your shakes? lol.. not going to argue with you as what you do works for you.. but man.. that's extreme.

Im with you there lol, it seems like you dont have a love hate relationship with food and look at it as fuel?
For me i did the high protein low everything else, made me extremely catabolic amd cloudy and lethargic and all the above lol

But as i said different stroke for diffferent folks keep at it brother seems like its workin for you!
So I don't feel that I am losing weight fast enough at the moment, no real progress this week at all. Had a review of the calories I've been eating and feel there is a bit of wiggle room I could abuse to lower calories a little further and not be fucking starving myself to death.

Low calorie days- monday, tuesday, thursday
1kg of chicken wings eaten post training. 2220kcal, 180g protein, 160g fats + 4 shakes with 50g protein each (upon waking, lunch time, pre-training, one on sink when I wake up to pee)

High calorie days- wednesday, sunday
2kg of chicken wings, 500-750g at lunch, the rest post training, 4440kcal, 360g protein, 320g fats + 3 shakes with 50g protein each (as above minus lunch time shake)

PSMF- saturday
4 shakes with 50g of protein each as above. Sometimes I am starving by late at night so I'll make a 6 egg white omelette which is 300kcal or something like that. It's nice to have something substantial in my stomach

Cheat day- friday
As low calorie day but with a scoop of whole flour added to each shake apart from the overnight one. Then post training I'll have two 500g meatlovers pizzas and a litre of the really good creamy ice cream with a good flavour. The pizza and ice cream has a 3 hour time limit but honestly I get both the pizzas down in the first 45 minutes (eat one while the other is cooking) then I'll smoke some weed and go to sleep for a while then eat the ice cream and I am done after about 2 hours. I buy the ice cream in 2L tubs and could easily eat it all but I think it is too much really. The pizza is 2150kcal, 90g protein, 56 fats, 310g carbs and the ice cream is linked below is 1000kcal, 17g protein, 111g fats and 263g carbs for a total of 3150kcal. Not including shakes. If I ate any more I would honestly just deck the entire tub, 1/2 is easy psychologically so it's easier to eat 3150kcal and it not be quite enough than eat 4150kcal and it be too much lol

BTW this all averages out at around $5 a day for an average of 3500kcal and 470g of protein.... including shakes and vegetables. For the record, my shakes are a scoop of whey concentrate, half a scoop of micellar casein and half a scoop of egg protein. Pretty much the perfect blend of aminos with the best time release and still pretty fucking cheap. My choice of vegetables is onions. I eat one a day which gives me 8g of carbs (+2g fibre) and 45kcal. It also gives me a positive inflammation balance by some margin, provides ample vitamins and minerals and can be cooked into pretty much any dish. Just BBQ them and add to the side