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0ni's diet log

I just ate two family sized BBQ meatlovers pizzas fucking murdered in chilli flakes, I murdered that thing with chilli lmao then ate a 700 and something ml tub of honey and macadamia ice cream and washed it down with 2L of orange juice. That was 4 hours ago at lunch and I just awoke from the insulin coma

It's a helluva drug
Could only squat 170 today in just a belt
It's like I have the strength but my muscles won't fire or something
I have a feeling that the meet coming up next week won't go too well. Hopefully I can get down to single digit body fat soon so I can start increasing calories again by the national push pull
Start eating now 0ni

Yeah I just put away 6 lamb chops, a little over a kilo
Going to start cycling my calories a little more, more food at lunch two days a week to fuel the heavy training. I'll also drop my percentages somewhat as I feel like a million dollars until the weights hit 90%. The days after my carb-ups I am very strong, so I'll place my heavier sessions at the start of the week and have more 80% stuff the rest of the week I think
I am no expert, but would guess a good carb up feed the day before comp would be a good idea.

Fuck, stop thinking about the meet in 2 weeks, 2 weeks is a LONG time, you've already put the seed of a shit meet in your head, get it out.
Yeah the meet has a 48 hour weigh in so I'll be fine
I've had to eat my face off right from day one though so it's really fucking with my head
Well I just had a fucking amazing idea
I feel great until the weights get heavy, really fast and snappy
So I'll just keep it at 75% and do loads of reps

Fucking genius I know. Sheiko worked great for me and I didn't even feel like I was training hard. So I'll just take the weights down and do loads of doubles. I'll repeat todays workout tomorrow, I made 170kg today and it was hard as fuck and my best is 180 (without wraps) so I'll take 75-80% of 180kg (135/145) and do doubles and triples until I get bored and let you know how that goes

A ladder would keep it interesting, 135 for 3, 145 for 2, 135 for 3, 145 for 2 and keep repeating that until I've done 10-15 sets
[MENTION=3352]lkt004[/MENTION]; what do you think?
Good to see you are positive again. Been following your progress. I am a similar weight and would kill to lift the amounts you are hitting (will get there soon enough).

I'm backing you in mate! Kill it \m/

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
Worked well
Only did 4 sets of 2 with 140kg as my triceps started playing up again. Will squat again tomorrow, more for confidence than anything