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  1. A

    Steroid users speak out against stereotypes as drug use among teenagers and young men

    Bulking ... Steroid user Paul shows his results five months after undergoing chemotherapy for testicular cancer.Source: Supplied YOU’VE heard the steroid horror stories. The bloody bar fights blamed on roid rage, the exploding biceps, the withering testicles and the sudden strokes taking young...
  2. A

    This 94-year-old grandma is a powerlifting champion

    Think of a powerlifter, and you probably don’t imagine: “94-year-old Florida grandma.” But not all powerlifters look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and some are retirees. Edith Traina is a 94-year-old Floridian with a real passion for heavy weights. While she' s just six years short of 100, that...
  3. A

    Which exercises in your program do you absolutely dread to do?

    Which exercises in your program do you absolutely dread to do?
  4. S

    What calf exercise are more beneficial ?

    Is there only really just calf raises?
  5. Your diet.

    Just curious PL's how you determine your diet? Do you adjust cals accord to strength gains or weight gain? How do you balance eating enough to gain strength but not too much that you get fat? Or perhaps you don't care how fat you get as long as you get stronger?
  6. Full range exercise versus partial

    We know the benefits of using machines over the barbell. more volume is required in barbell work because of the limited time spent under tension. An interesting study revealed that 80% received only half strength increases and fatigue using partial reps while 20 % increased strength by 100%...
  7. A

    New study says 30 minutes of exercise a day is not enough.

    New study says 30 minutes of exercise a day is not enough. You should double or quadruple that. If you're among of the millions of Americans who dutifully carve out 30 minutes a day for the moderate-intensity exercise recommended by experts based on the idea that you're doing all you can for...
  8. A

    Body building parents: ‘The school gate mums call us self obsessed but let’s see them

    Body building parents: ‘The school gate mums call us self obsessed but let’s see them try it’ Husband and wife body builders Brooke and Richard Newland rise at dawn to train each day. Picture: Waide Maguire.THE couple that pump iron together, stays together. That could be said of Brooke and...
  9. Fascial Stretch Training

    Has anyone here got experience in this? What protocol did you use did you get any results? Does it work similar to occlusion training?
  10. As you get stronger

    Does the ability to recover increase in proportion to our ability to get stronger (more muscular)? please share your experience, only if you have been working out *continually* for no less than 3 years. i suspect we need to do less overall exercise to continue to even stronger.
  11. J


    Who here lunges? Ive started doing them (after never really doing them before) after my skuawts, they really are a next level vomit inducing suffering.
  12. A

    Scientists have discovered why running makes you happy

    If you're a big runner like me you know what I'm talking about when I describe that euphoric feeling you get in the middle of your workout — when your feet feel like they are floating over the ground and you can almost hear the air dancing past you. It turns out it's not all in your mind...
  13. B

    September 2015 Newsletter - our latest updates

    Recently reformulated, Pre Workout 101 has been selling like hotcakes and the Strawberry Lime flavour has been getting amazing reviews. So our Product of the Month for September is a free 200g pouch worth $20! Just by placing an order over $250, you can try 16 serves of our premiere ASADA...
  14. A

    Skull Crushers vs Close Grip Bench

    Which one of the two exercises do you feel adds more mass? Skull Crushers vs Close Grip Bench.
  15. A

    Weekly Discussion Thread #9

    This weeks topic: Lifestyle · How do you fit training, eating, and recovery in with your job/study/etc? · How do you fit training, eating, and recovery in with your social life? · Does your significant other lift? If not, how do you deal with this lifestyle difference? ·...
  16. S

    back extension?

    45 Degree or Roman Chair back extension machine? I would like something I could do a bodyweight type exercise after squatting and deadlifting. Can't afford a GHR as they are $500.
  17. Damn sore foot

    Not sure whats going on but the last 2 months i have had quite a sore foot. Happened when i was running around like a mad eedgit opening the new work facility. When i was waking it felt like i had pulled/strained a muscle or even got a stress fracture. Anyway, 2 months later and i am ready to...
  18. Motivation

    Does anyone here ever really struggle for motivation? I'm struggling hard lately.. I have struggle sticking to a program, I am probably about 5+ kg over what I consider to be myself in good shape, I do want to get back in shape, but I over eat on rubbish most days.. I don't really know where my...
  19. J


    So, had some bloods done as i always do every 4-6 months. Was kind of expecting them to be bad, last few months haven't been very fun..little to no exercise, except for jerking off. Been eating absolute shit, almost makes me feel sick when i think how bad my diet has been as well as the...
  20. A

    Anyone here avoid certain lifts?

    Anyone here avoid certain lifts because they just don't agree with your body.