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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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  1. A

    Dbol advice

    Hey all Im going to try s dbol only cycle as my first, to get in the swing of things. Plus im unable to get my hands on test. Anyway will the following work? Dbol 30mg for 6 weeks They have come in 10mg tablets What is the best way to dose? 3 10mg a day? Or 2 15mg etc? Once in the morning once...
  2. Vialli


    I am planning on getting my bloods done 4weeks after I finish My Test E cycle what should I get tested for I have read lots of different advice and recommendations.
  3. Vialli

    Bulking Cycle advice

    Looking for some advice I`m going to run a cycle mid-2018, Iam on TRT 125mg per week have just finished a blast of 500mg a week for 12weeks very happy with the results. I am planning on running a bulking cycle mid 2018 lookingfor input and advice 500mg Test E a week 1-16 450mg Deca weeks 1-12...
  4. Vialli

    Blood Result Help

    I’mcurrently in week 8 of a 12 week blast 500mg per week I have just had my blood results back and as this is myfirst blast I am looking for advice feedback on the results. I am also taking 0.5 mg of Arimidex twice aweek. Thanks inadvance. Testosterone 99.0 SHBG...
  5. H

    Dislocated kneecap, nutrition advice

    Hi guys, new here and want to ask some advice. unfortunatly a week ago I dislocated my kneecap, did it about 14 Years ago before I got into fitness and lifting and just sucked it up, this one hurt but has calmed down well and will be getting checked out shortly. my question is about nutrition...
  6. B

    Cycle Advice

    Hi Guys, Looking to run my 3rd Cycle (first two were Test-E only and then Test-E, DBol and Equipoise) and was hoping for some feedback/advice: Planning on the following: Gear: Weeks 1-3 : 50mg DBol ED Weeks 1-3: Tudca + Liver Detox Weeks 1-10: Galactic Mass Blend (Test-P, Tren-A, Nandro-P)...
  7. A

    powerlifting duo rise to challenge

    this was in the local rag Powerlifting duo rise to the challengeMonday 21 August, 2017 By day Chloe Warburton and Karina Joy are Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) employees, who work respectively as an online content coordinator and senior hydrogeologist. But outside of work, they are each a...
  8. Jimmy123

    My Goals - And any advice would be appreciated

    hi everyone, I recently was lucky enough to be able to get a DEXA scan and am involved in a body re-composition competition, that goes for 3 months starting end of August. I have some goals in my head about what I would like to achieve. I was hoping I could get some advice from the forum...
  9. A

    Diet of protein shakes and supplements contributed WA mum and bodybuilder's death

    The devastated family of a West Australian fitness model have warned about the dangers of protein supplements after they contributed to the young mother’s death. Meegan Hefford, a 25-year-old mother-of two, was found unconscious in her Mandurah apartment and was pronounced dead days later. Ms...
  10. A

    Advice for removing man boobs request

    I am trying to burn off man boobs but never seem to be able to tense the muscles related to the area. I tried using an ems training belt around my man boobs and I could feel that the muscles and tendons were incredibly tight and contracted. This is probably why I can never tense these muscles...
  11. O

    Programming advice

    I need some help with a template now that I have pretty much exhausted regular progression where I add weight to the bar every session. I won't post numbers because they're soft but my training generally looks like this. Mon: Squat, OHP, lat pulldowns. Tue: Bench, bent rows, bicep curls, tri...
  12. O

    Shred FX Zero vs OxyShred

    Hi there, newbie to the aussbb forums. Looking for a bit of advice on the Shred FX Zero by Genetix Nutrition vs OxyShred by EHP (not allowed to post links to product) I have previously tried OxyShred twice, first tub was pretty effective, had me sweating in the gym and definitely made me a lot...
  13. B


    Hey everyone first time poster, looking for advice I'm 42, always been obese and got bloods done Test level was 3.6 doc put me on trt about 18 months ago. Not sure what the rules are as to what can be said but I'm on test undecanoate 1000mg/4ml once every three months, my level went from 3.6...
  14. Headley

    Excess sugar opinion.

    http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/comment/the-notsosweet-link-between-big-sugar-and-the-body-that-accredits-dietitians-20170626-gwykpi.html A little concerning if true. The not-so-sweet link between Big Sugar and the peak body for dietitians...
  15. A

    Science Shows Eating Carbs During A Workout Is Best For Recovery

    Queensland University researchers have found that eating carbohydrates during intense exercise can help your body recover, and keeps your immune system in peak condition. Dr Jonathan Peake and Dr Oliver Neubauer, from QUT's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, led a research review of...
  16. Pappy O'Daniels

    Thread describing poor delivery from GymDirect deleted!

    Just a heads up to all members here: my thread about the poor delivery from the seller, who is also a sponsor here, was deleted without explanation. Just thought you guys should know what kind of forum this is.
  17. Pappy O'Daniels

    Older guy starting home gym, advice wanted

    Hi peeps, I am approaching 60 and need to do weights for health reasons (plus I read that it's very good for older men). I used to be quite active when a teenager with bodybuilding, using Reg Park's routines (I'm from South Africa), so I know more or less what I am doing with the various...
  18. O

    Force Monster G6

    Hi guys/girls I recently purchased the Force Monster G6 and am having problems putting it together. Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated :confused: Cheers Ockdog
  19. simo74

    Who do you watch on youtube?

    Any of you guys and gals watch athletes or lifters on you tube, share any good ones you watch here. Here is a couple I watch: Matt Vincent, he is from the US and is a highland games athlete and 2 times world champ, although even he admits its a pretty minority sport so he doesn't take titles...
  20. Australia

    Soft landing pad

    Hi there! does anyone here know of a good pad for landing on, after doing some explosive jumps to reduce impact damage? Also, does anyone know of the type of damage the landing accumulates and what the corresponding field is called? (physiology?) If anyone is an expert on the matter and has...