Captain Kunce
Mate.Don't be naive.
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Mate.Don't be naive.
Decided to delete what I wrote, and simply say peace instead..., and each to his own.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.
That Terrorist in Melbourne last night was acquitted of plotting an attack on Holdsworthy Army Base a few years ago.
Those Terrorists in London had a rented Van and kitchen knives. Almost anyone can get a hold of those items. I carry a short range weapon in my Car, I'm going to also carry a long range one and retrain that Weaponry I learnt many years ago. Run, hide and tell they say. Sometimes you can't.
That Terrorist in Melbourne last night was acquitted of plotting an attack on Holdsworthy Army Base a few years ago.
That's it when you start to think about it, modern society has made the average person basically defenceless to even the most basic weapons. Sure the cops come and shoot them in the end and the majority of people are fine. And sure we all know cars are more dangerous ect and all that bullshit that lefties go on with but if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time you have nothing, stats and the lefty love fest aren't going to save you.
Apparently a lot of the standard cops in London only have a batton now?
Im not saying we want every flog carrying but it sure makes you feel a bit vulnerable.
You dont hear about many shooting massacres in texas....
That's it when you start to think about it, modern society has made the average person basically defenceless to even the most basic weapons. Sure the cops come and shoot them in the end and the majority of people are fine. And sure we all know cars are more dangerous ect and all that bullshit that lefties go on with but if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time you have nothing, stats and the lefty love fest aren't going to save you.
Apparently a lot of the standard cops in London only have a batton now?
Im not saying we want every flog carrying but it sure makes you feel a bit vulnerable.
Yes Sir, your conclusion is correct.Thank you for posting that Fadi. I can see what you originally wrote and it will take me sometime to digest it all. But after a quick perusal am I right to conclude that these Quran verses that are attracting a lot of condemnation are being taken out of context? A context being where some Muslims referred to were being persecuted or at War?
I think we all need to be armed for sure..., with proper knowledge of what we fear most. For ignorance of the unknown, by default, sees to it that our fears are never conquered.I think if we are all armed to the Teeth, Pistols, semi and fully automatic Guns, surface to air rockets etc we should be OK.
Always a well thought out response from you mate. If only others could follow suit. (NOT NECESSARILY REFERRING TO THIS THREAD OMG YOU SENSITIVE BASTARDS!!!)Yes Sir, your conclusion is correct.
I think we all need to be armed for sure..., with proper knowledge of what we fear most. For ignorance of the unknown, by default, sees to it that our fears are never conquered.
Then again, ignorance of a subject matter (any subject), is a bliss to many who choose to remain ignorant of that subject.
Please note: fear of Islam or ignorance of it is not what I'm restricting my above comment to no. Choosing ignorance over knowledge on any subject matter of interest (exercise and nutrition included), places full responsibility upon the one who chooses to remain in the dark, yet feels the need and right to blame others whenever a misfortune befalls him!
Yes Sir, your conclusion is correct.
I think we all need to be armed for sure..., with proper knowledge of what we fear most. For ignorance of the unknown, by default, sees to it that our fears are never conquered.
Then again, ignorance of a subject matter (any subject), is a bliss to many who choose to remain ignorant of that subject.
Please note: fear of Islam or ignorance of it is not what I'm restricting my above comment to no. Choosing ignorance over knowledge on any subject matter of interest (exercise and nutrition included), places full responsibility upon the one who chooses to remain in the dark, yet feels the need and right to blame others whenever a misfortune befalls him!