Day 2
First session
7:53am to 8:00am
EZ bar curls 20kg x30,20,20,20,10 = 100
8:01am to 8:07am
French curls 15kg x40, 20,20,20 = 100
We discussed DOMS yesterday and I did say that if and when I get DOMS, it's always been at the 36 hour mark. Tim proposed that I may get it as early as this morning or even in evening of yesterday. Tim was right. My last lift yesterday was done at 6:26pm. It took only 2 hours of no training to get the DOMS..., I was feeling it as I was driving home in fact.
Having been lifting weights for the past 36 going on 37 years, of which 32 were of the bodybuilding style, I can assure you this kind of DOMS was like no other that I've experienced before. When we usually get DOMS, then it's just that, DOMS! Not this time however. This time it was DOMS coupled with muscle fatigue of a special kind. Not even the kind that only lasts whilst in the shower after a heavy pump session. This fatigue has been with me now since yesterday evening, where even the everyday actions have become difficult to do. Actions like brushing my teeth, or washing my face. In fact just lifting my arms towards my face has and is currently laborious, as my arms feel heavy. As I've said, I'm not telling you anything new, anything that you yourselves have not experienced before. The only difference between this and that, is that this is not a transient/quick few hours of muscle tightness or muscle heaviness, but a constant one with a constant reminder as you go about your daily business.
Again, this DOMS (thank God) is not of the inflammatory type, where muscles are extremely sensitive to touch. This one (I feel) will last all of next week though.
As you know, I like doing high, make that super high reps. In fact my favourite is to perform only two sets per muscle by doing 2x50, adding weight only when I can manage a straight 50 repetitions to a set. Well, doing what I'm doing now (sets totaling 100 reps) throughout the day, I feel that when it comes to doing a mere 2 sets of 50 per muscle group, it would be (from a psychological point of view), a walk in the park pretty much. It's all about reaching and experiencing a higher level, then doing less. Being fond of airplanes, it's the difference between a maximum power take off, and cruising. The 2x50 (to me) would be cruising after doing this. Heck, I won't be doing them all day long every hour on the hour.
Enough writing, I'm up for session number 2 already today. Ah, this time I've got all my foods with me