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Do you support Gay Marriage?

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for me, people have a right to sanctify their relationship; I don't need to waist any brain cells beyond that.
oh the irony.at least spell properly Einstein

The irony is there was no spelling error you illiterate knob.

Come out of the closet sweetcheeks.its obvious to me you aint hetero.i see thru ur charade.must be hard pretending ur straight when you all u want is d.

Man...you got me Gerry. I am definitely questioning my own sexuality now that you have said it....you will be the first person I will let know If I do decide to turn gay.
yep, nothing wrong with disagreeing with any behaviour, but somehow I don't think we need to worry that much. Hence, let any adult marry if that is their choice, and worry about more important things.

Exactly. It's amusing that people like Gerry spend so much time and energy worrying about things that are (thankfully) out of their locus of control and in reality have zero effect on their lives. Keep wasting your life being concerned about others Gerry. The rest of us have more important things to get on with.
repacked, I think the great kiwi is picking me up for waist, when it should have been waste. If only I could reach his writing standard, although I think we have him covered in thinking terms.

When h was down and out, Gerry knew inspiration was just around the corner (internet) through AusBB. Welcome back Gerry Lewis.
Yeah, I saw it too.

I like the "great Kiwi" reference Spart.

This shit is just too funny. I'm like a drunk. Ban me @Shrek;

I was having a conversation with someone else while arguing with Bull before. I inadvertently blurted out to someone else some information which looks like it could get that person in trouble with Federal Authorities.
I didn't think the other person didn't know. I didn't think they would be breaking Fed Laws :o :(

I wouldn't look good in concrete sandals either!
I am obsessed with 'waist' at moment, trying to get down to 85cm to get ready for mardi gras. Whoops, Gerry will be on to me.
yes, Gerry, just want to fit in with my mates.

There are no legal impediments to being in a gay relationship.


Therefore, there is no reason to amend the marriage act.