was curious what you had said, so clicked to show the post.
not getting into it with you. but ive never worked in bondi or slapped around drunk teenagers. i worked 10 years in some of Scotland's biggest clubs and head doorman in many other. been in that exact situation 100s of times, and i have also done years of training in close quarter combative's, so no i am not an arm chair expert on this one.
the cops had several options before going lethal, which they chose not to do. while using lethal force there was extremely borderline, the issue is mainly the fact that this is what they instantly jump, ignoring 4 and 5 on the force continuum.
first option, which would of been my move, is if you were the cop closer to the head, you simply drop your knee right on there jaw/throat with force. the initial hit will stun them and by the time the stun has worn off they will likely be unconscious from using your knee to cut off blood flow on the carotid artery, (takes a few seconds to put someone out). i have personaly done this many times.
second, which i have never had the pleasure of doing. is to pistol whip the ****. handguns are a big chunk of metal and one strike could easily render someone unconscious. the other option with this is to use it as a negotiation technique, use the butt of the gun to remove some teeth and break the nose, then ask if they want to continue, if so..do some more damage. again this is highly effective and used it multiple times, people will always yield when using the force continuum.
now for the cop struggling with his other hand..well fuck me its really not that hard to restrain an arm..anyone who has had an ounce of training can do it..these cops clearly had no skills, so why are they cops. had several wrist lock options, arm bars and my personal favorite is using a limb destruction. if he was concerned about arm and potential weapon he could of used his gun/fist/elbow/knee to strike into the bicep and crush the brachial nerve, which renders there arm completely useless..be a good houw before that **** can use his hand again. again the cop on top of him could of done this with ease using his gun, or gone for the brachial plexus or perhaps just a nice strike into the solar plexus, or perhaps shatter his collarbone. so many different strikes could be sued to subdue him.
then you get into the realm of tazer/spray etc which admittedly would be hard to do if you didn't already have it in your head.
lastly could put a round in his shoulder and again continue the negotiation.
lastly shoot to kill
see how these examples follow the force continuum? they jumped right to 6 without even exploring 4 or 5.
bazza this was for other peoples benefit so dont bother quoting me your back on ignore.