Well-known member
Saw this blog the other day and thought it was entertaining.
I'm going to preface this article with this warning early. This may easily be my most offensive article to date. I do have a point to make in it, but I can't make it without knowing I'm going to sound like an asshole, so I don't plan on tiptoeing around it.
If you're an easily offended pussy, just check out now. If you're some PC fruitloop that believes we're all special snowflakes and that everyone deserves a fucking unicorn ribbon, don't continue reading.
You know why? Because you're going to sound like a bigger asshole than I do in this article with your sniveling millennial generation whine fest in some way, shape, or form. Yes, you fucking will.
The last few weeks of "news worthy" tripe has been littered with, of course, a fat chick that was slathered on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
Yes, I called her a fat chick. I hope you're fuming. How does it feel to be so weak that mere words on a blog could offend your delicate sensibilities?
Here, let me narrow you down. If that pisses you off or gets you in some ranty huff, then you probably fit into a particular category.
1. You're a fat chick.
2. You're a dude that likes fat chicks. Which in most cases means, you're probably rotund as well.
3. You're a femnazi, who believes that beauty comes in all sizes and that body positivity is some kind of "real movement".
4. You're a hipster.
5. You have poor taste.
6. You think this chick has "curves." Rolls, while technically create curves, are not the same as a curvy woman.
7. Someone who thinks I'm asshole (99% of the population).
8. A male feminist.
9. You're one of those "who are you to judge?" types.
10. All of the above somehow combined in the most grotesque kind of way.
People keep saying shit like "who cares?" or that "this is not a big deal."
On the surface, I'd agree. But the fact is, we've been heading down this road for quite some time and it has a far reaching impact than people want to really acknowledge.
And what road is that I'm speaking of?
The one where the minority essentially shames the majority into acceptance of mediocrity, scorns discipline, hates winners (participation trophies anyone?), and believes that equality is some kind of utopia that everyone must be forced to live in.
It's the people that think flipping burgers should pay $15 an hour (an entry level job) and that CEO's make too much money, but don't give a shit that entertainers make millions and millions, while the CEO's are the ones creating jobs, growing businesses, and giving people a means to support themselves.
You're willfully ignorant, lazy, and woefully uneducated about how the world works.
Let's actually call this Sports Illustrated shit for what it really is.
It worked too, didn't it? I mean, here I sit writing about this bullshit.
Either people lined up to support an overweight chick as a cover model, or people scorned them for the exact same reason. There wasn't much room for middle ground here. So let's get past the fact that this was some kind of real support movement for fatties. This was all about publicity. No different than Bruce Jenner essentially dressing up in drag (he never got his parts chopped off, so he's essentially a drag queen).
There are lots of Bruce Jenner's in the world, i.e. men who are transgender that struggle with their identity, and probably go through some exceptionally difficult times the rest of us will never understand. But Brucie did what he did for no other reason than to hype his upcoming reality show. It wasn't about courage. It wasn't about bravery or furthering the acceptance of being transgender. It was about money, and television ratings. Fuck him, and fuck the media for shoving him down our throats like he donned some badge of courage by "embracing his true self"....that cost him like half a million dollars.
But I don't wanna get off on that shit.
There's no real difference here. SI isn't dumb. Few people pick up a magazine off the rack anymore due to this thing called the interwebs. All the info you want, is right there at your disposal of the Google machine.
SI didn't do this to promote body positivity or health at all sizes. And you're fucking stupid if you think that's what it was about.
Sure, they hid behind that but the fact is, it was a genius move to put a fatty on the cover in order to sell magazines due to controversy. I'm sure it worked. God knows all you chubbers were just fawning over the fact that they put a fat girl in a swimsuit on the cover of a fucking Sports magazine who has never played a sport in her life, and as far as I can tell, never turned down a meal.
Look, Ashley Graham has a beautiful face. But body wise, I can walk into any Home Depot in America and find a female working in aisle 8 that has a similar body.
[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be hot and bothered about[/TD]
It's also a massive setback in regards to the on going problem of obesity we're facing in this country. One that continues to gain traction with phrases like "fat shaming" and such and the pushing of plus sized women onto to us ("STOP! I CAN'T BREATHE!") as something we MUST ACCEPT, is sexy.
It's not. I don't. Sorry not sorry.
Mind you, despite the fact that I'm using words like "fattie" in this article, I don't support fat shaming.
Yes I get that thus far, this whole piece reads....feels down deep in your gender neutral soul, like fat shaming from hell. But me pointing out that someone is obese, or overweight, is just stating the obvious. If I make an observation that a blue Prius is blue, I'm doing nothing more than making a factual statement. If I say that only smug fucks who think they are making a difference in the environment drive a Prius, well that's an opinion. Mostly based in fact, but it's still an opinion.
I'm not shaming anyone, regardless of how offended you are right now.
I do have a point in all of this, which will take a long time to get to, because I can't condense my writing to save my fucking life, and this is my god damn blog, so I don't have to.
Where was I?
Oh yeah. Fatties.
However, I do not endorse "health at any size" or support obesity acceptance. But I've blogged about that in the past and SHOWED MEDICAL STUDIES THAT HEALTH AT ANY SIZE IS A GOD DAMN MYTH!!! So before you claim it's possible, or that you're fat and healthy, it's a lie.
Stop. I mean, on the SURFACE, you should know this is a lie.
"Health at any size."
ANY size. See, when you use absolutes like that, it's going to be false.
Health at any size. That means you can be healthy at 55 pounds as an adult of normal height, or healthy at 900 pounds as an adult of normal height.
"You're being extreme, Paul!"
HEALTH AT ANY FUCKING SIZE! It's become the tribal chant for those who have no investment in obesity control. So I'm taking it for what it is. And what it is, is wrong.
“All types of obesity warrant treatment, even those which appear to be healthy, because they carry a high risk of future decline."
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]I will give her points for honesty....I think that's a "her"[/TD]
But listen, let's get to my real issue here.
I'm not going to support the furtherment of mediocrity or endorsing a complete lack of discipline in regards to someone's health when I'm opposed to those very things (if you hang in here long enough I'll contradict myself on that stance in just a bit) and this the path we're headed down. As a country. Yes, we fucking are.
How in the hell do we get to a place where for decades past, what we celebrated were people who went above and beyond to accomplish incredible things, that may have seemed borderline impossible, to celebrating that of putting an overweight chick in a swimsuit on a magazine cover and acting as if she's brave because of it?
So I'm going to BOLD this next part, because this is my MAIN point in all of this.
This isn't about fat shaming. This is about the representation of something we used to stand against. Which was that we applauded people who were exceptional, instead of applauding the norm, or average. We applauded the near unattainable by those who dared to risk everything to achieve it. Not the "I woke up like this" bullshit.
A few years ago, a woman who got into incredible shape after having a few kids, blogged or wrote about how she trained really hard, and dieted really hard after the birth of her children, to get back into shape as quickly as possible.
Instead of admiring the level of discipline and effort that went into her caring about how she looked and felt, she was ridiculed by women all over the net who were too god damn lazy to do anything but stay fat as fuck post pregnancy and lean on it as an excuse.
The contrast here is striking.
People who go above and beyond, to accomplish something worth admiring are shamed due to the obscene degree of insecurity by those who lack the effort, willpower, and courage to follow suit.
Those same people stand up and applaud like seals at Sea World for fish in support of women like Tess Holliday, who has spent her life looking like she's put buffets out of business.
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Hard work and effort is now frowned upon. Mediocrity or even laziness is now pushed to the forefront and shoved in our faces that we need to be accepting of it so that everyone can feel good about themselves.
Well fuck your feelings. And fuck your body positivity voice.
Truly, the lazy excuse makers are winning the social war of what is to be accepted, and what is not. And what cannot be accepted is anyone who dare go above and beyond what the lazy are capable of, and receive accolades for it.
Shit, I've even been seeing this nonsense in the fitness industry. Women who are supposed to be involved, letting themselves go, and posting up pics at 30% bodyfat talking about how they aren't ashamed of their body. To help give other women "strength" to feel good about being lazy as fuck.
Look, I'm not saying you have to be "ashamed", and you don't have to stay in "show shape" year round.....but your lack of discipline shouldn't be applauded either. And one thing I'm sick of is reading how "courageous" it is for these women to do so.
We have watered down the words "brave" and "courageous" so much that we're at a point where women get called brave for posting pics of themselves out of shape. It used to be reserved for medal of honor winners, firefighters, or anyone who put their lives at risk for the sake of others with no personal gain involved.
I saw some shitty article a while back about fitness women who put up pics of themselves "out of shape" and read a comment in regards to it "I see nothing but strong women." They were called brave for doing so.
You posted a pic of you out of shape. Clearly, the pinnacle of bravery.
"Women are objectified all over the world for how they look, Paul. The point was for them to stand against that be proud of their body enough to show it even if they didn't look perfect."
Hey, I got it. Believe it or not, I'm really not THAT stupid. I'm stupid in a lot of ways, but I understood the point. And I still fucking laughed.
I laughed because it's not brave, and it's not courageous. You think because someone opens themselves up for criticism that they are being brave and courageous?
Fine. Then I'm fucking Audie Murphy up in this bitch. Because what do you think me writing a piece like this, that opens me up for hate filled criticism is?
I sort of got you in a box right now, don't I?
Just because you put yourself in a position of possibly being judged for how you look, or open yourself up to being criticized, doesn't make you a hero and it doesn't make you brave. If that's the case, then bodybuilders everywhere are the most heroic and courageous fuckers to ever live. Because they diet and train for months on end, only to stand on stage practically naked and have a whole panel of people criticize what they look like and tell them what all of their shortcomings are.
Christ, you can't write "I like vanilla ice cream" somewhere on the net without someone calling you a piece of shit for it. The net has made it so that every picture, opinion, article, video, etc has open season on it for criticism across the board. Since that's the case, we sort of need to reevaluate the fact that we've let the words "bravery" and "courage" get dumbed down to include overweight people in swimsuits making millions of dollars for having some pictures taken of them.
I'm speaking from experience here. As a guy who was too fat for too long, and in retrospect became far too lazy and undisciplined, I worked my fucking nuts off to get into single digit bodyfat now. There was nothing difficult about eating 20 doughnuts and pounds and pounds of candy every weekend for years on end. It took virtually no effort at all. Level of effort was literally fucking ZERO. It was fun. Courage and bravery not required.
What took effort, hard work, discipline, and willpower?
Losing all of that god damn fat and training harder than I had in the last decade. And I'm not saying I need accolades for it. I had a huge wake up call over a year ago about my blood work and the first thing I thought was "I don't want to die young, and leave my kids grieving because their father was an undisciplined, lazy fuck."
And I had been. There. That's ME owning it. My own lack of discipline, and my own lack of effort. And guess what? It caught up to me. I went against the very thing that I got into lifting and learning about proper eating for in the first place. And I was paying the price for it health wise.
But we keep lowering the bar.........
For fucks sake, there's even a division under the fitness umbrella now where you wear fucking tank tops and shorts and the women even wear evening gowns!
People thought that men's physique - with board shorts - was bad? You wear a shirt and dresses in this mother fucker. Any "man" that participates in this shit should be forced to do the evening gown round as well. Might as well, you pansy.
People are going to read this and think I'm a dick (I mean most do already and that's ok), but it's because they are missing the point.
We keep devolving into the acceptance of mediocrity as a "great standard". And we keep creating these paradigms and situations so that people who don't want to work really hard to achieve something exceptional, can be exceptional at being really average.
"You're the best mediocre person of this bunch! Well done!"
But let's not single out the women here. There's a movement starting for young males too. You know, so that they don't grow up with poor body image due to the fact that G.I. Joe has just become way too fucking jacked over the years.
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Apparently, before and after his tren cycle[/TD]
Which led me to this piece of shit article.....
It's not a joke. And yes, it's about Ken dolls being too god damned buff and is harming young males body image.
First off, I don't remember ever playing with a fucking Ken doll. The young girls did. I certainly don't remember seeing one and feeling bad about my body. Not once. Ever. Ever.
If they wanted to take a stance that made sense, they could say that Ken got more jacked over time and it's making young women believe the ideal man has broad shoulders, ripped abs, and is good looking.
Oh wait, that IS what women want and get wet about. Fuck, I coulda had a V8!!! All this fucking time, it's that god damn Ken doll that have fucked women up about what the ideal man looks like.
It's why on the cover of every romance novel there's some dude with broad shoulders and ripped abs about to sexually destroy the woman he's clutching in his arms.
There's not a chick in the history of the fucking universe that has developed carpal tunnel in her wrist due to self pleasure over some fat, beer bellied chump with a fucking fishing hook in his baseball hat, rocking a Phillips 66 shirt.
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]She isn't getting wet over some extra regular mother fucker[/TD]
Growing up, I loved that our action figures were jacked as fuck. I mean, when you're a kid and have that incredible imagination you don't want your action figures to be dumpy as fuck, and look like they spend their weekends having hot dog eating contests in Bubba's backyard during his kegger. You loved that they looked like they could pick up an entire mountain. Which He-Man did in one episode. Yes, he picked up an entire mountain. And we liked that standard. For those of us that have stayed in the gym we said "that's fucking cool!" We didn't mope that we couldn't pick up a mountain because it was in a cartoon. We understood that it wasn't reality. HELLO?!?!
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Please stop[/TD]
But the concept of pushing ourselves to look as close to being a real life action hero was something that kept us going back to the gym. It's what made us buy Muscular Development and Flex. Because real life He-Man looking mother fuckers were on the cover. Not Bob, who works at AutoZone.
And then people want to say we shouldn't look to these people as our inspiration or as role models.
And that's bullshit too. So here comes in this fucking side rant you never expected with the path I was taking you down. It's like that fucking mountain lion that comes out of the bush that kills your kids right there in front of you while you were taking them on a stroll through the park. Then "BAM!".
Day ruined.
Look, that's a nice sentiment but it's not reality. I'm talking about the role models thing, not your kids being killed by a mountain lion.
"Parents are supposed to be role models! Not athletes!" they retort.
You're right. As a parent, you should be a great role model for your children, AND AND AND you should also point them in the direction of OTHER GREAT ROLE MODELS.
Jesus Christ jumped on a life raft, no one ever said you could only have one role model. When did role model selection become so fucking limited?
"Ok kids, here are your role models. You get to pick just one, so make sure you're positive about it before you do. Billy, that's Hitler god dammit, you can't pick him! The fuck is wrong with you?"
Role model selection, like it or fucking not, is not limited in any way, shape, or form. I love the writing of C.S. Lewis. He's a great "role model" as far as authors go. Dorian Yates was my favorite bodybuilder. I loved his work ethic and the discipline he had in the craft (uh oh, there's those fucking words again). A man who is one of my best friends now, Ed Coan, was a huge role model for me. Charles Poliquin, another one of my best buddies now (yes I'm name dropping, suck my fucking nuts), was my mentor through his writing and training methods when I was growing up.
But I played music for 20 years. Greg Bissonette was a role model. As was Tommy Lee (this was before the sex tapes! I'm talking about as a musician!). And Neil Peart (I don't think he did any sex tapes, and if he did they would be very technical in nature).
And like it or not, when a young man or young woman is working through finding themselves in this world and in their life, they will and do often find role models that they look up to and respect for different reasons. This is perfectly normal. They can look at their hard working mother or father and respect and look up to them for being a hard worker, and great parent, but they may not want to follow in their footsteps in regards to other aspects of their own life. So naturally they will gravitate IN THAT REGARD, to someone who is a representation of what they might like to accomplish.
"Yes Paul, and they may look to a plus sized model as someone as a role model as well! Ever think of that, asshole?"
YES! I FUCKING DID! Which is why I wrote all of this bullshit!
Thank you! Thank you for making my point!
The generation of lazy, PC, overly sensitive fuckwads are finding role models in people who have no discipline, no work ethic, feel entitled to everything, and often find fame for doing things that require nothing more than to get banged by a B grade rapper on a homemade sex tape.
This is the person, dear parent, that you want your children to aspire to be like?
We have propped up the wrong people for all the wrong reasons for a while now. Making people famous for literally doing nothing, and then our youth sees this shit, and aspires to be like........WHAT?
I don't know. How to be like Paris Hilton? Famous for nothing. Kim Kardashian. Famous for a sex tape.
Plus sized models. Famous for being overweight with a pretty face?
When about an Eric Berry? A guy who overcame cancer to come back and become an ever better player than he was before. Why the fuck isn't he on the cover of shit everywhere? That's fucking inspiring. That is something that can resonate with kids about how to overcome adversity, and come back stronger from it. Why wasn't HE on the cover of SI? With the fact that we have so many people dying from cancer, Berry represents the embodiment of overcoming the potential of an early grave, only to come back better and stronger from it.
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Kicked cancer's ass. Won comeback player of the year. Role model.[/TD]
But fuck that. Where's that plus sized model? That's fucking inspiring!
I want my girls to see me as a role model. But in the context of what that should be. The kind of man they would want to marry. As a great father, provider, great teacher, mentor, and protector.
"Well, then you need to work on being less judgmental and blah blah blah".
Shut up.
I love my girls more than anything in the world, and care about their health too. I sure the fuck wouldn't be telling them to have a positive body image if they were headed down the road to obesity. I would tell them they needed to eat better, exercise, and take care of themselves.
I would talk to them about discipline, and hard work, and what it REALLY fucking takes to have success in this life in anything you are going to pour yourself into. I would point them towards people who have accomplished incredible things, in spite of all the odds stacked against them along the way. And remind them that at times, life will seem very unfair, unjust, and that the people who accomplished incredible things almost always had to do so against tremendous odds. And overcoming the odds, is what makes it exceptional. To not lower their standards. To not buy into the acceptance of mediocrity. That even if they can't be the best at what they do, to give their best regardless of the situation. Even when it sucks ass. Because life is going to suck ass early and often. And the difference in the people who go on to make the best of it, and the best of themselves, are the ones that rise to the occasion and welcome the challenge.
I won't make a difference in the fucking world. I'm just writing on a blog.
But I won't teach my kids that they deserve participation trophies, or that they are entitled to a god damn thing, and that the only things you deserve are those you work to earn, keep, and hold on to.
Fuck your entitlement. And fuck your body positivity bullshit. Fuck propping up your millennial heroes and their mediocrity.
To quote a movie that is vastly overrated.........
"I'm finished."
I'm going to preface this article with this warning early. This may easily be my most offensive article to date. I do have a point to make in it, but I can't make it without knowing I'm going to sound like an asshole, so I don't plan on tiptoeing around it.
If you're an easily offended pussy, just check out now. If you're some PC fruitloop that believes we're all special snowflakes and that everyone deserves a fucking unicorn ribbon, don't continue reading.
You know why? Because you're going to sound like a bigger asshole than I do in this article with your sniveling millennial generation whine fest in some way, shape, or form. Yes, you fucking will.
The last few weeks of "news worthy" tripe has been littered with, of course, a fat chick that was slathered on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
Yes, I called her a fat chick. I hope you're fuming. How does it feel to be so weak that mere words on a blog could offend your delicate sensibilities?
Here, let me narrow you down. If that pisses you off or gets you in some ranty huff, then you probably fit into a particular category.
1. You're a fat chick.
2. You're a dude that likes fat chicks. Which in most cases means, you're probably rotund as well.
3. You're a femnazi, who believes that beauty comes in all sizes and that body positivity is some kind of "real movement".
4. You're a hipster.
5. You have poor taste.
6. You think this chick has "curves." Rolls, while technically create curves, are not the same as a curvy woman.
7. Someone who thinks I'm asshole (99% of the population).
8. A male feminist.
9. You're one of those "who are you to judge?" types.
10. All of the above somehow combined in the most grotesque kind of way.
People keep saying shit like "who cares?" or that "this is not a big deal."
On the surface, I'd agree. But the fact is, we've been heading down this road for quite some time and it has a far reaching impact than people want to really acknowledge.
And what road is that I'm speaking of?
The one where the minority essentially shames the majority into acceptance of mediocrity, scorns discipline, hates winners (participation trophies anyone?), and believes that equality is some kind of utopia that everyone must be forced to live in.
It's the people that think flipping burgers should pay $15 an hour (an entry level job) and that CEO's make too much money, but don't give a shit that entertainers make millions and millions, while the CEO's are the ones creating jobs, growing businesses, and giving people a means to support themselves.
You're willfully ignorant, lazy, and woefully uneducated about how the world works.
Let's actually call this Sports Illustrated shit for what it really is.
It worked too, didn't it? I mean, here I sit writing about this bullshit.
Either people lined up to support an overweight chick as a cover model, or people scorned them for the exact same reason. There wasn't much room for middle ground here. So let's get past the fact that this was some kind of real support movement for fatties. This was all about publicity. No different than Bruce Jenner essentially dressing up in drag (he never got his parts chopped off, so he's essentially a drag queen).
There are lots of Bruce Jenner's in the world, i.e. men who are transgender that struggle with their identity, and probably go through some exceptionally difficult times the rest of us will never understand. But Brucie did what he did for no other reason than to hype his upcoming reality show. It wasn't about courage. It wasn't about bravery or furthering the acceptance of being transgender. It was about money, and television ratings. Fuck him, and fuck the media for shoving him down our throats like he donned some badge of courage by "embracing his true self"....that cost him like half a million dollars.
But I don't wanna get off on that shit.
There's no real difference here. SI isn't dumb. Few people pick up a magazine off the rack anymore due to this thing called the interwebs. All the info you want, is right there at your disposal of the Google machine.
SI didn't do this to promote body positivity or health at all sizes. And you're fucking stupid if you think that's what it was about.
Sure, they hid behind that but the fact is, it was a genius move to put a fatty on the cover in order to sell magazines due to controversy. I'm sure it worked. God knows all you chubbers were just fawning over the fact that they put a fat girl in a swimsuit on the cover of a fucking Sports magazine who has never played a sport in her life, and as far as I can tell, never turned down a meal.
Look, Ashley Graham has a beautiful face. But body wise, I can walk into any Home Depot in America and find a female working in aisle 8 that has a similar body.
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be hot and bothered about[/TD]
It's also a massive setback in regards to the on going problem of obesity we're facing in this country. One that continues to gain traction with phrases like "fat shaming" and such and the pushing of plus sized women onto to us ("STOP! I CAN'T BREATHE!") as something we MUST ACCEPT, is sexy.
It's not. I don't. Sorry not sorry.
Mind you, despite the fact that I'm using words like "fattie" in this article, I don't support fat shaming.
Yes I get that thus far, this whole piece reads....feels down deep in your gender neutral soul, like fat shaming from hell. But me pointing out that someone is obese, or overweight, is just stating the obvious. If I make an observation that a blue Prius is blue, I'm doing nothing more than making a factual statement. If I say that only smug fucks who think they are making a difference in the environment drive a Prius, well that's an opinion. Mostly based in fact, but it's still an opinion.
I'm not shaming anyone, regardless of how offended you are right now.
I do have a point in all of this, which will take a long time to get to, because I can't condense my writing to save my fucking life, and this is my god damn blog, so I don't have to.
Where was I?
Oh yeah. Fatties.
However, I do not endorse "health at any size" or support obesity acceptance. But I've blogged about that in the past and SHOWED MEDICAL STUDIES THAT HEALTH AT ANY SIZE IS A GOD DAMN MYTH!!! So before you claim it's possible, or that you're fat and healthy, it's a lie.
Stop. I mean, on the SURFACE, you should know this is a lie.
"Health at any size."
ANY size. See, when you use absolutes like that, it's going to be false.
Health at any size. That means you can be healthy at 55 pounds as an adult of normal height, or healthy at 900 pounds as an adult of normal height.
"You're being extreme, Paul!"
HEALTH AT ANY FUCKING SIZE! It's become the tribal chant for those who have no investment in obesity control. So I'm taking it for what it is. And what it is, is wrong.
“All types of obesity warrant treatment, even those which appear to be healthy, because they carry a high risk of future decline."
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]I will give her points for honesty....I think that's a "her"[/TD]
But listen, let's get to my real issue here.
I'm not going to support the furtherment of mediocrity or endorsing a complete lack of discipline in regards to someone's health when I'm opposed to those very things (if you hang in here long enough I'll contradict myself on that stance in just a bit) and this the path we're headed down. As a country. Yes, we fucking are.
How in the hell do we get to a place where for decades past, what we celebrated were people who went above and beyond to accomplish incredible things, that may have seemed borderline impossible, to celebrating that of putting an overweight chick in a swimsuit on a magazine cover and acting as if she's brave because of it?
So I'm going to BOLD this next part, because this is my MAIN point in all of this.
This isn't about fat shaming. This is about the representation of something we used to stand against. Which was that we applauded people who were exceptional, instead of applauding the norm, or average. We applauded the near unattainable by those who dared to risk everything to achieve it. Not the "I woke up like this" bullshit.
A few years ago, a woman who got into incredible shape after having a few kids, blogged or wrote about how she trained really hard, and dieted really hard after the birth of her children, to get back into shape as quickly as possible.
Instead of admiring the level of discipline and effort that went into her caring about how she looked and felt, she was ridiculed by women all over the net who were too god damn lazy to do anything but stay fat as fuck post pregnancy and lean on it as an excuse.
The contrast here is striking.
People who go above and beyond, to accomplish something worth admiring are shamed due to the obscene degree of insecurity by those who lack the effort, willpower, and courage to follow suit.
Those same people stand up and applaud like seals at Sea World for fish in support of women like Tess Holliday, who has spent her life looking like she's put buffets out of business.
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Hard work and effort is now frowned upon. Mediocrity or even laziness is now pushed to the forefront and shoved in our faces that we need to be accepting of it so that everyone can feel good about themselves.
Well fuck your feelings. And fuck your body positivity voice.
Truly, the lazy excuse makers are winning the social war of what is to be accepted, and what is not. And what cannot be accepted is anyone who dare go above and beyond what the lazy are capable of, and receive accolades for it.
Shit, I've even been seeing this nonsense in the fitness industry. Women who are supposed to be involved, letting themselves go, and posting up pics at 30% bodyfat talking about how they aren't ashamed of their body. To help give other women "strength" to feel good about being lazy as fuck.
Look, I'm not saying you have to be "ashamed", and you don't have to stay in "show shape" year round.....but your lack of discipline shouldn't be applauded either. And one thing I'm sick of is reading how "courageous" it is for these women to do so.
We have watered down the words "brave" and "courageous" so much that we're at a point where women get called brave for posting pics of themselves out of shape. It used to be reserved for medal of honor winners, firefighters, or anyone who put their lives at risk for the sake of others with no personal gain involved.
I saw some shitty article a while back about fitness women who put up pics of themselves "out of shape" and read a comment in regards to it "I see nothing but strong women." They were called brave for doing so.
You posted a pic of you out of shape. Clearly, the pinnacle of bravery.
"Women are objectified all over the world for how they look, Paul. The point was for them to stand against that be proud of their body enough to show it even if they didn't look perfect."
Hey, I got it. Believe it or not, I'm really not THAT stupid. I'm stupid in a lot of ways, but I understood the point. And I still fucking laughed.
I laughed because it's not brave, and it's not courageous. You think because someone opens themselves up for criticism that they are being brave and courageous?
Fine. Then I'm fucking Audie Murphy up in this bitch. Because what do you think me writing a piece like this, that opens me up for hate filled criticism is?
I sort of got you in a box right now, don't I?
Just because you put yourself in a position of possibly being judged for how you look, or open yourself up to being criticized, doesn't make you a hero and it doesn't make you brave. If that's the case, then bodybuilders everywhere are the most heroic and courageous fuckers to ever live. Because they diet and train for months on end, only to stand on stage practically naked and have a whole panel of people criticize what they look like and tell them what all of their shortcomings are.
Christ, you can't write "I like vanilla ice cream" somewhere on the net without someone calling you a piece of shit for it. The net has made it so that every picture, opinion, article, video, etc has open season on it for criticism across the board. Since that's the case, we sort of need to reevaluate the fact that we've let the words "bravery" and "courage" get dumbed down to include overweight people in swimsuits making millions of dollars for having some pictures taken of them.
I'm speaking from experience here. As a guy who was too fat for too long, and in retrospect became far too lazy and undisciplined, I worked my fucking nuts off to get into single digit bodyfat now. There was nothing difficult about eating 20 doughnuts and pounds and pounds of candy every weekend for years on end. It took virtually no effort at all. Level of effort was literally fucking ZERO. It was fun. Courage and bravery not required.
What took effort, hard work, discipline, and willpower?
Losing all of that god damn fat and training harder than I had in the last decade. And I'm not saying I need accolades for it. I had a huge wake up call over a year ago about my blood work and the first thing I thought was "I don't want to die young, and leave my kids grieving because their father was an undisciplined, lazy fuck."
And I had been. There. That's ME owning it. My own lack of discipline, and my own lack of effort. And guess what? It caught up to me. I went against the very thing that I got into lifting and learning about proper eating for in the first place. And I was paying the price for it health wise.
But we keep lowering the bar.........
For fucks sake, there's even a division under the fitness umbrella now where you wear fucking tank tops and shorts and the women even wear evening gowns!
People thought that men's physique - with board shorts - was bad? You wear a shirt and dresses in this mother fucker. Any "man" that participates in this shit should be forced to do the evening gown round as well. Might as well, you pansy.
People are going to read this and think I'm a dick (I mean most do already and that's ok), but it's because they are missing the point.
We keep devolving into the acceptance of mediocrity as a "great standard". And we keep creating these paradigms and situations so that people who don't want to work really hard to achieve something exceptional, can be exceptional at being really average.
"You're the best mediocre person of this bunch! Well done!"
But let's not single out the women here. There's a movement starting for young males too. You know, so that they don't grow up with poor body image due to the fact that G.I. Joe has just become way too fucking jacked over the years.
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Apparently, before and after his tren cycle[/TD]
Which led me to this piece of shit article.....
It's not a joke. And yes, it's about Ken dolls being too god damned buff and is harming young males body image.
First off, I don't remember ever playing with a fucking Ken doll. The young girls did. I certainly don't remember seeing one and feeling bad about my body. Not once. Ever. Ever.
If they wanted to take a stance that made sense, they could say that Ken got more jacked over time and it's making young women believe the ideal man has broad shoulders, ripped abs, and is good looking.
Oh wait, that IS what women want and get wet about. Fuck, I coulda had a V8!!! All this fucking time, it's that god damn Ken doll that have fucked women up about what the ideal man looks like.
It's why on the cover of every romance novel there's some dude with broad shoulders and ripped abs about to sexually destroy the woman he's clutching in his arms.
There's not a chick in the history of the fucking universe that has developed carpal tunnel in her wrist due to self pleasure over some fat, beer bellied chump with a fucking fishing hook in his baseball hat, rocking a Phillips 66 shirt.
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]She isn't getting wet over some extra regular mother fucker[/TD]
Growing up, I loved that our action figures were jacked as fuck. I mean, when you're a kid and have that incredible imagination you don't want your action figures to be dumpy as fuck, and look like they spend their weekends having hot dog eating contests in Bubba's backyard during his kegger. You loved that they looked like they could pick up an entire mountain. Which He-Man did in one episode. Yes, he picked up an entire mountain. And we liked that standard. For those of us that have stayed in the gym we said "that's fucking cool!" We didn't mope that we couldn't pick up a mountain because it was in a cartoon. We understood that it wasn't reality. HELLO?!?!
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Please stop[/TD]
But the concept of pushing ourselves to look as close to being a real life action hero was something that kept us going back to the gym. It's what made us buy Muscular Development and Flex. Because real life He-Man looking mother fuckers were on the cover. Not Bob, who works at AutoZone.
And then people want to say we shouldn't look to these people as our inspiration or as role models.
And that's bullshit too. So here comes in this fucking side rant you never expected with the path I was taking you down. It's like that fucking mountain lion that comes out of the bush that kills your kids right there in front of you while you were taking them on a stroll through the park. Then "BAM!".
Day ruined.
Look, that's a nice sentiment but it's not reality. I'm talking about the role models thing, not your kids being killed by a mountain lion.
"Parents are supposed to be role models! Not athletes!" they retort.
You're right. As a parent, you should be a great role model for your children, AND AND AND you should also point them in the direction of OTHER GREAT ROLE MODELS.
Jesus Christ jumped on a life raft, no one ever said you could only have one role model. When did role model selection become so fucking limited?
"Ok kids, here are your role models. You get to pick just one, so make sure you're positive about it before you do. Billy, that's Hitler god dammit, you can't pick him! The fuck is wrong with you?"
Role model selection, like it or fucking not, is not limited in any way, shape, or form. I love the writing of C.S. Lewis. He's a great "role model" as far as authors go. Dorian Yates was my favorite bodybuilder. I loved his work ethic and the discipline he had in the craft (uh oh, there's those fucking words again). A man who is one of my best friends now, Ed Coan, was a huge role model for me. Charles Poliquin, another one of my best buddies now (yes I'm name dropping, suck my fucking nuts), was my mentor through his writing and training methods when I was growing up.
But I played music for 20 years. Greg Bissonette was a role model. As was Tommy Lee (this was before the sex tapes! I'm talking about as a musician!). And Neil Peart (I don't think he did any sex tapes, and if he did they would be very technical in nature).
And like it or not, when a young man or young woman is working through finding themselves in this world and in their life, they will and do often find role models that they look up to and respect for different reasons. This is perfectly normal. They can look at their hard working mother or father and respect and look up to them for being a hard worker, and great parent, but they may not want to follow in their footsteps in regards to other aspects of their own life. So naturally they will gravitate IN THAT REGARD, to someone who is a representation of what they might like to accomplish.
"Yes Paul, and they may look to a plus sized model as someone as a role model as well! Ever think of that, asshole?"
YES! I FUCKING DID! Which is why I wrote all of this bullshit!
Thank you! Thank you for making my point!
The generation of lazy, PC, overly sensitive fuckwads are finding role models in people who have no discipline, no work ethic, feel entitled to everything, and often find fame for doing things that require nothing more than to get banged by a B grade rapper on a homemade sex tape.
This is the person, dear parent, that you want your children to aspire to be like?
We have propped up the wrong people for all the wrong reasons for a while now. Making people famous for literally doing nothing, and then our youth sees this shit, and aspires to be like........WHAT?
I don't know. How to be like Paris Hilton? Famous for nothing. Kim Kardashian. Famous for a sex tape.
Plus sized models. Famous for being overweight with a pretty face?
When about an Eric Berry? A guy who overcame cancer to come back and become an ever better player than he was before. Why the fuck isn't he on the cover of shit everywhere? That's fucking inspiring. That is something that can resonate with kids about how to overcome adversity, and come back stronger from it. Why wasn't HE on the cover of SI? With the fact that we have so many people dying from cancer, Berry represents the embodiment of overcoming the potential of an early grave, only to come back better and stronger from it.
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Kicked cancer's ass. Won comeback player of the year. Role model.[/TD]
But fuck that. Where's that plus sized model? That's fucking inspiring!
I want my girls to see me as a role model. But in the context of what that should be. The kind of man they would want to marry. As a great father, provider, great teacher, mentor, and protector.
"Well, then you need to work on being less judgmental and blah blah blah".
Shut up.
I love my girls more than anything in the world, and care about their health too. I sure the fuck wouldn't be telling them to have a positive body image if they were headed down the road to obesity. I would tell them they needed to eat better, exercise, and take care of themselves.
I would talk to them about discipline, and hard work, and what it REALLY fucking takes to have success in this life in anything you are going to pour yourself into. I would point them towards people who have accomplished incredible things, in spite of all the odds stacked against them along the way. And remind them that at times, life will seem very unfair, unjust, and that the people who accomplished incredible things almost always had to do so against tremendous odds. And overcoming the odds, is what makes it exceptional. To not lower their standards. To not buy into the acceptance of mediocrity. That even if they can't be the best at what they do, to give their best regardless of the situation. Even when it sucks ass. Because life is going to suck ass early and often. And the difference in the people who go on to make the best of it, and the best of themselves, are the ones that rise to the occasion and welcome the challenge.
I won't make a difference in the fucking world. I'm just writing on a blog.
But I won't teach my kids that they deserve participation trophies, or that they are entitled to a god damn thing, and that the only things you deserve are those you work to earn, keep, and hold on to.
Fuck your entitlement. And fuck your body positivity bullshit. Fuck propping up your millennial heroes and their mediocrity.
To quote a movie that is vastly overrated.........
"I'm finished."